Rural Resources and Considerations: Pro Bono as a Law Practice Management Issue & the Role of Technology in Supporting Rural Lawyers Michael L. Monahan State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project & The Georgia Legal Services Program 2011 Annual Virginia Statewide Legal Aid Conference October 2011
Outline Pro Bono is THE Law Practice Management Issue Pro Bono provides excellent means to learn and develop as a lawyer Pro bono programs train new and seasoned lawyers Training has gone virtual – pro bono tools that help new lawyers Why Technology? Benefits to pro bono organizations Benefits to advocates Benefits to clients
Pro Bono &Law Practice Management Weave pro bono publico service into your career. Actively manage your pro bono practice. Identify the kind of pro bono you would like to incorporate into your practice. Choose pro bono for learning experiences. Choose pro bono that matches your charitable giving interests. Choose pro bono that means something to you.
Pro Bono & LPM Choose how you want to structure your participation. Watch your calendar; don’t get over-extended. But do find time for pro bono service. Choose a program that will prescreen for you and provide you supports. Choose a pro bono opportunity that affords you primary or secondary professional liability insurance coverage. Identify your time constraints, your current level of expertise and whether you are interested in litigation vs. non-litigation matters. Consider advice/brief services clinics, one-on-one client service, non-client contributions. Co-counsel on a pro bono case with an experienced attorney. Serve on a pro bono committee for your local bar association. Introduce your secretary to the local pro bono program contact.
Pro Bono & LPM Communicate your pro bono plan to your potential and current clients. “I do X pro bono, and only take pro bono clients screened by “Y Program.” Learn how to refer potential pro bono clients. Incorporate Legal Aid information into your practice.
Pro Bono & LPM Increase pro bono efficiencies. Use pro bono technology supports (web, listservs, free online training). Call or pro bono coordinators for case assistance. Seek out law students to help you. Answer the satisfaction surveys! Go to the Pro Bono Library. Read up on what other lawyers are doing. Read “A Pro Bono Primer for the Rural Lawyer”, “A Pro Bono Primer for the Young Lawyer”, or “A Pro Bono Primer for Corporate Counsel”. Visit our online Library at
Pro Bono & LPM Pass the word around. Share your pro bono experiences with other lawyers in your firm or in your local bar association. Share your pro bono experiences in your faith community and in organizations to which you belong. Take opportunities to explain to members of the public why pro bono publico service is important and why the public and the legal profession should together support structured pro bono programs in their communities.
Technology and Pro Bono in the Field Mike Monahan, State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Director/Attorney at Law