Marine Dock Facilities
Marine Dock Facilities Project Experience Design and inspection of construction of New Oil Docks – Port of CC Rehabilitation of 30’ diameter steel sheet piling breasting structures. Gas Loading Facility. Install new loading arm/derrick, model existing dock and modifications. - El Paso Gas, NJ. Designs for rehabilitation of Cargo Docks. Concrete piling were replaced and spalled concrete areas were repaired. Rehabilitation of numerous Cargo Docks which included new concrete piling and repair of spalled concrete. New barge dock facility with steel sheet piling, secondary containment, mooring structures and finger pier. – Union Carbide Corp. (DOW) Dock analysis and design for loading facility upgrade - CITGO
Marine Dock Facilities Projects Continued Rehabilitation of Cargo Dock piling by replacing timber piling that were damaged beyond usefulness by marine borers (Limnoria and Teredo) Designs and contract documents for replacement of breasting structures Preparation of plans and contract documents for dredging Monitoring of dredging contractors’ progress Dock and warehouse facilities design - Brazos River Harbor Navigation District Marshalling yard for van box loading at docks - Brazos River Harbor Navigation District Barge dock retaining wall rehabilitation. Add new loading facility, pipe racks, loading derrick and operator’s shelter. Getty Oil, Delaware City
Designed barge dock improvements for Union Carbide, Seadrift Texas. o Impermeable vertical barrier between old sheet pile wall and new sheet pile wall o New pier to access barges o Construction accomplished during the day with the barge loading and unloading being accomplished during the night. See next slide The project included: o New coated steel sheet pile wall o Separate containment cells at each hose or loading arm o Process water is collected and pumped to the plant’s waste treatment system Marine Dock Facilities Projects Continued
Designed barge dock improvements for Union Carbide, Seadrift Texas.
Marine Dock Facilities Projects Continued Loading / Unloading Dock Rehabilitation, Structural deck, piles, beams, bracing, dolphins and moorings – Valero
Marine Dock Facilities Projects Continued Corpus Christi Ship Channel – CITGO – FHR – Valero Docks Areas CITGO – Dock 7 CITGO – Dock 1
Marine Dock Facilities Projects Continued CITGO Refining -- Dock 7 – Barges Transfer BHP provided structural assessment of this facility and the project engineering and construction package to add barge on/off loading facilities to the dock.
Marine Dock Facilities Projects Continued CITGO Refining -- Dock 1 – Ship Dock BHP provided structural assessment of this facility and the project engineering and construction package to add additional on/off loading facilities to the dock.