THE K-8 CURRICULUM A Presentation for Parents Trinity Lutheran School
Visible Curriculum Core Subjects Special Area Subjects Religion Special Services Technology Hidden Curriculum
HIDDEN CURRICULUM – THE FOUNDATION Daily learning opportunities Recess is a social skills laboratory Restorative Justice Respect, Responsibility, Hard Work Worship, Prayer, Compassion Technology
VISIBLE CURRICULUM – BUILT UPON A FIRM FOUNDATION Core Subjects Religion Reading & Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Special Area Subjects Technology
FINDING OUT MORE TONIGHT … 1 Art RoomScience is Inquiry: Lets Find Out! 2 Grade 6Social Studies: Lets Explore! 3 Grades 7-8Math: The Science of Drawing Necessary Conclusions 4 Fellowship HallMore Than Auxiliary: Serving the Needs of Students 5 School OfficeTrinity 101: Nurturing Christian Faith and Character 6 LibraryReading and Literature Informs Us! 7 KindergartenKindergarten: Only the Beginning Please rotate to rooms in numerical order, beginning with the assigned rooms below. The rotation continues after the seventh station (Kindergarten Room) to station number one (Upstairs Art Room).
MAP - MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS Achievement tests in Language, Math, and Reading Adapted on-line for students in K-8 Student Assessment three times every year to “Measure Academic Progress” Student Results are measured in growth scores, also called RIT Scores
GROWTH MEASURES ARE USEFUL TO EVERYONE IN STUDENT LEARNING Parents understand child’s performance, support learning goals, collaborate with teachers Administrators identify trends, evaluate programs, create flexible learning programs, target teacher professional development Teachers understand instructional readiness, plan for differing instruction, monitor progress, report to parents Students set and take ownership for learning goals
CORE SUBJECTS: AT HOME Read Every Night! Listen to your child read Read to your child, no matter what grade Talk about what your child is reading, and what you are reading
CORE SUBJECTS: HOMEWORK You are the parent of your child, not your child’s teacher Practicing skills already learned in class What your child knows at the end of a Unit of Instruction is what is valuable and receives the most credit for a final grade Communicate with your child’s teacher, support your child Headmaster Read. Read. READ! Every night!
WRAPPING-UP TONIGHT Faculty and Staff, as promised, will be in those same rooms to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for this investment in your child’s education at Trinity tonight!