Welcome Open House Kinard Elementary School Ms. Millen & Ms. Moore Kindergarten
Kinard Elementary Principal: Mrs. Kathy Weathers Assistant Principal: Mr. George Smith Please see our class web page often for updates. District Website: School Telephone Number: School Day: Begins at 7:35 Ends at 2:05
Snack Fee $90.00 Pay weekly, monthly or all at one time. Lunch Money Please send all money labeled in a sealed envelope
Our Daily Routine 7:35 Morning show/pledge/7 habits 8:00 – Calendar/Writing/Big Book 8:45 – 9:20 Activity 9:20 – 10:45 Literacy block 10:45-11:10 Lunch 11:15-11:45 Recess 11:45-12:45 Math block 12:45-1:25 Snack/Choice Centers 1:25-1:55 Science/Social Studies 2:00 + / ∆ chart
Reading/Language Arts We have incorporated a reading workshop approach in our classroom. Students will have book baskets that they fill with every week at their reading level. I will assess them regularly to check their reading level. Students will do activities based on these individual books. We will also do mini-lessons together using a read-aloud book and focusing on the new South Carolina State Standards. In Kindergarten we focus on writing about and responding to what we have read!
Special Class Schedule Lunch – 10:45 to 11:10 PE, Music, Library, Computer and Art 8:45 to 9:20
Math Math Expressions Success relies on: *Parent Involvement *Games and Manipulatives *Games will be sent home for homework
Social Studies & Science *Science kit explorations *Project based learning *Emphasis on participation and incorporating technology.
Some Extra Info *Classroom Newsletters will be sent home weekly. *The class website is This website has a lot of links that we will visit in class as well as student projects posted for parents to view. *Box Tops are something that is easy to collect and each one we collect earns 10 cents for our school. The class with the most earns a pizza party at the end of the year. So please save, clip, and send them in at any point during the year! *Technology – I love incorporating technology into my lessons, so get ready for your children to be talking about some great websites and projects!
Contact Information My address is: Telephone number: *Parent-Teacher conferences can be made at any time in person or by phone after school or before school.*
You are welcome to walk your child to class the first week of school… After the first week, we encourage independence. Please allow your child to walk to class independently. There will be student leaders and staff guiding them along the way!
Let’s work as a team and have a great school year! Questions ?