Recycling. By Imogen Ashcroft. What can we recycle? Why is recycling so good for our planet? How is it recycled?
Why is recycling so good for our planet? Every time you recycle you help reduce pollution and you also save energy. By recycling 1 ton of paper you could save 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water and 2 barrels of oil. Recycling 1 aluminium can saves enough energy to light an 100 watt light bulb for 20 hours and a TV for 2 hours! Recycling is also good because you reuse things which means we don’t have to keep on making things, and when you make things you use resources from the planet.
What can we recycle? There are many things we can recycle like: Glass Cardboard Paper Batteries Metal (copper wire, aluminium cans) Electronic things. Plastic bottles
How is it recycled? Recycle Plastic Bottle. The plastic bottles are taken to a materials recovery facility where they are separated from other recycled materials. The bottles are then squashed and baled and to some processors The bottles are then dry cleaned and put in a special beam which separates the different types of plastic. Next the bottles are ground into flakes which are washed then sorted decontaminated or melted into beads to make new items!