Mariapaula Briceño Alonso Hernández Isabella Zapater Diego Monteverde Germán José Victoria
Trees are of great importance for the manufacture of paper because there is extracted cellulose (organic compound)raw material of paper. Usually extracted from pine trees and eucalyptus. This raw material is processed to finally obtain the paper.
The higher demand of paper production and the intake of trees affects the enviroment because it disrupts the entire ecosystem, food chains, production of oxygen, causing an environmental pollution, drought and others. DEFORESTATION Food Chains Environmental pollution Droughts Others
The problem is that people is wasting paper and everybody knows that paper comes for trees. If we continue cutting trees they would disappear; we won´t have anything to breath and we would die. The trees also are the house of many animals and animals also will die.
Simply use as much as possible the paper, in the home, office, school. This is accomplished by: A. Writing on both sides of paper B. It is better to send s to print (in some cases) C. You can recycle it and sending special companies that make other use of paper.
Reduce: Decrease the paper waste in your office, house, and school. Reuse: Use the paper to the max to dont waste it. Recycle: Materials used to go to a transformation process that can be used again.In this case de paper.