Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 18/02/11 HISTORY OF THE EVOLUTION OF RECYCLING
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 18/02/11 Recycling is a word that etymologically means closing the loop will return to the point of origin. Recycling has a short history and is still motivated by the need to save raw materials, natural resources and reduce, or control of waste production in industrialized societies. Introduction
18/02/11 Each time you purchase a package, purchased raw materials, purchased power, purchased or promotes the production of pollution and waste is generated. Rodos packaging of the best from the ecological point of view is that it requires fewer raw materials in their manufacture, which produce less pollution and leave less waste.
18/02/11 The rubbish In Spain in 1983 was 10,013,872 metric tons generated. garbage or waste (MSW), which means 27,435 metric tons. Andalusia days and a population of 37,746,260 inhabitants represents an average production of 0727 kg per capita per day. This average increases the larger the city. If more than one million inhabitants, the average is 0.9 kg If you have less than 20,000 inhabitants, the average is 0.55 kg
18/02/11 That trash we throw away every day is composed primarily of glass, metal, plastic, paper, cardboard and wood. This composition varies across countries depending on the degree of industrialization and living standards. In Spain, the average composition is as follows:
18/02/11 These data give an idea of the incredible amount of resources, raw materials, rich in short, that we waste. MATERIALSPERCENTAGES Paper and cardboard11-20% Plastics5-7% Glass5-7% Metals2-3% Organic matter45-60% Other items6-10%
18/02/11 Once collected and exported outside the city, garbage should be gathered and treated. There are various treatment methods. The most commonly used by Canadian municipalities are: (1983 data) -uncontrolled discharge % -controlled release % -composting % -burning …... 4%
18/02/11 Recycling in Spain In Spain, everything is recycled glass and paper: -The National Association of Manufacturing Companies Auto Glass (ANFEVI) is responsible for recycling the glass. According to its statistics, in 1984 was 7,800,000 kg of recycled glass, which represents a recovery rate of 4.31 kg per inhabitant per year.
18/02/11 -Meanwhile, the Spanish Association of stockholders of Recovered Paper and cardboard (Repace) is responsible for recycling paper and cardboard. Also according to their statistics, in 1983, was 1,214,000 metric tons recycled. paper, which is already a respectable figure.
18/02/11 Percentage of recycling in Spain
18/02/11 Prejudice not recycle In the Ozone Layer: Every year you can see over the Antarctic is increasing as the size of the hole in the ozone layer. The main cause of this destruction are fluorclorohidracarburos (CFC). Amount to the atmosphere. Under the effect of ultraviolet radiation, a CFC free chlorine atom reacts with ozone, forming an oxygen molecule (O2) and one molecule of chlorine monoxide (ClO).
18/02/11 This becomes ClO molecule to combine with oxygen and releases the chlorine atom. This chlorine atom can be broken down into a molecule of ozone and so on. Each molecule of CFC can destroy a thousand ozone molecules.
At sea: The marine disasters caused by oil or aground games released to the sea thousands of tones of crude oil cause a painful death to many animals. The oil spreads rapidly, forming giant extensions. The oily film prevents gas exchange between water and air, which affects almost all living beings.
18/02/11 Benefits To you If recycled, reused and reduces waste, you save costs, inconvenience and the ever-present risk to the health pile putrid garbage bags.
18/02/11 Others people Your trash often deprives the poor of the world's vital resources. Reducing waste to contribute food and other basic materials will come to those who suffer poverty and hunger.
18/02/11 To the environment Nature does not at all understand the concept of garbage, not found in virgin forests landfills, nor in many areas of the Third World. The global ecosystem is dependent on a constant recycling of materials and nutrients, can help learning to work with these natural cycles.