Estación Uno Students will practice unit vocabulary using their own password and student identification located on your current class folder. (If you need this information please ask your group facilitator to check with the teacher.) Work another site for now. Click on center block titled Quia web. Enter student ID and password Choose the vocabulary area that you feel you need practice with. Please try to practice pronouns at least once during your practice time. Students will be able to recognize and use Spanish numbers Students will practice areas that they feel they need to work on Textbook website for practice select Ven Conmigo 1 Students can match, identify, name, and define vocabulary words
Quia Website
Quia website log-in
Quia after you log-in
Selecting your activity list
Pronoun game
Ven Conmigo Website
Estación Dos # 1 Music video activity 1.) Watch a reggeaton video. juego juego Or F:\Tu.tv - Videos de Música - Video Calle 13 Café Tacuba - No Hay Nadie Como Tú (dedicatoria).m4v F:\Tu.tv - Videos de Música - Video Calle 13 Café Tacuba - No Hay Nadie Como Tú (dedicatoria).m4v 2.) Please respond to the following: Who is the artist (See lyric sheet)? ***Learning journal item*** Is there something about this video you like? How is the video like videos in your own culture? Where is the artist from? What is something interesting you learned about this artist? Did you recognize any words in the lyrics sheet? Students can enjoy music from another culture. Students can compare cultural similarities and differences between cultures.
Estación Dos
Video from the website
Group Artist Information Page
Estación Dos # 2 2.) BBC video (Episode 3) Watch episode 3 After watching the video drama please select more practice and listen to the grammar section Next click back to the practice section and practice el and la. (Episode practice pages are printed and in station notebook) Complete the first three practice sections on the smart board Students can select directions and evaluate when to use el and la. (Review of el and la)
BBC Website
Episode 3
Movie Start
Click on grammar then practice screens
Grammar Explanation
Practice El and La on the website
Practice directions
Vocabulary Word Find
Estación Tres # 1 Listening: Question Song/grammar song Listen to track # 2 without filling anything in the first time looking at the answer sheet on the inside of the folder. Listen through track second time and then attempt to complete the question word worksheet without looking at the answer sheet this time. (On file folders) Listen to as many times as your group feels is needed. Double check your answers on the inside of the practice folder. Feel free to sing along. Students can connect Spanish and English question words by listening and singing their rhymes.
Practice folder sample
Estación Tres # 2 Page 59 Letra y sonido (On file folder) Track 11 First play # 1 Play and pronounce the letter D at the beginning of the words. Second play #2 and practice pronouncing the letter D in the middle of a word. Track 12, 13, 14 Listen to what Adriana needs and has Taking dictation of items that are needed. Play as many times as you need. Check yourself on the answers inside the station tent. ***Learning journal item*** Track 15 Trabalenguas Third practice the Spanish tongue twister with and without the cd track. Students can distinguish and reproduce sound differences
Page 59 the letter D
Estación Cuatro # 1 Juego: Vocabulary board game Students will play a board game utilizing a game board and game cards. Game play is as follows: Player draws one card. If the player knows the answer they will write their answer on their game log. Partners will check for correctness. If correct, the player will roll and then go on to play. If the player does not know the answer they may draw a second card and try again. If they still do not know they answer they miss their turn to roll. Students will be timed with an egg timer. Players may use vocabulary sheets, textbook, or classroom display boards. Students may not use the game check sheet to write their answer. Students can associate pictures with Spanish Vocabulary. Students can translate vocabulary. Students can communicate what they need and what they have.
Game Log
Estación Cuatro # 2 Fill in the missing numbers folder practice. Students will use whiteboard markers to practice sequencing numbers in Spanish. (On file folder sheet) Students can use number vocabulary worksheets to help them to complete the missing numbers. Students can then check their answers inside of the folder. Students can sequence their numbers in Spanish in multiple patterns.
Fill in the Numbers Practice
Estación Cuatro # 3 Bingo numbers practice. Students will play Bingo with one member acting as the number caller. Students may use their numbers vocabulary sheet to help them practice the numbers. Students need to use game log to write out numbers as well. Same as previous game log. Students can recognize their numbers in Spanish