About me Kaleb Lozano 2/10/16 Main Menu
This slide show will be telling you about my certain interests, goals, and my life in general. The buttons to the left will navigate you around the powerpoint. This button here at the top will take you to the family and background slide. Button number two will take you to the future plans slide. The button right under that one will take you to my personal goals. Finally that button there at the bottom will take you to the hobbies and interests menu. Family & Background Future Plans Personal Goals Hobbies/Interests
Family and Background Main Menu This slide will introduce you to my background and my family (I don’t have any photos of my family). Brought into my family on October 6, 2001 I had a 5 year old brother. Three years later I had a sister and was now the middle child. On January 24, 2007 I had a brand spanking new little brother. All my siblings are awesome but they all have their ups and downs from time to time. My oldest brother is 18, my little sister is 12, and my youngest brother is 9. Although they are all great my parents are the ones I love the most. My dad is a very nice guy. He works for Verizon out in palm springs. My mom is very nice also. She works at a school as a teacher’s aid. I went to cope middle school and mckinley elementary and I currently attend Redlands high schoolcope middle schoolmckinley elementaryRedlands high school My parents were both born in separate places from each other. My dad was born in Texas and my mom was born here in Redlands. When my dad was young he lived in many places. The ones he told me about were Virginia, Texas, and here. From both sides of my family we are Mexican. My grandpa on my father’s side was in the military. My grandpa on my mother’s side was not in the military but he stays fit.
Future Plans Main Menu In the near future I plan on applying to California State University San Bernardino and the marching band the Bluecoats. If I get into the Bluecoats I want to get to the world championships and win and get a DCI ring. After I get through college I want to get a job like being an accountant. After I make enough money in that job I plan on trying to make my own company and sell my own products. If I had to take a guess what I would be selling in that company it would probably be a clothing line. Once I make more money than I need I want to buy my mom and dad new cars and houses.California State University San Bernardino Bluecoats I’ll go visit all of my siblings and tell them about my fortune. After I’ve decided to finally settle down I’ll find a nice woman to marry. I only plan on having three kids so it doesn’t get too crazy because my dad can barely handle three. Out of all of this my main objective is to be successful in life and repay my parents for all the things they have done for me throughout their life.
Personal Goals Main Menu One of my main goals for the near future is getting into the Bluecoats marching band in Canton, Ohio. I want to be in this particular band because their uniforms are awesome, but also because I want to win with them and get a DCI ring. It’s not anything like a Superbowl ring but it’s a nice ring that would show that I would be number one in the world out of maybe 100 bands. My other main goal is to apply to Ohio State University and be accepted. I don’t want to have to pay tuition, but I want to make it into there on a full ride scholarship. If I can’t I’ll find another way to get money like getting a job. I want to make it to OSU so I can learn to provide for myself and just experience a new place.Ohio State University A final goal is to get money. Enough money as to where I could drop like a thousand dollars on groceries every week and it wouldn’t be that much money lost. I want to help people with the money. I want to help homeless people who can’t get new clothes or jackets for the winter. I want to build a big nice house so I can have my family over and enjoy spending time with them. If any of my brothers or sister needed any money I’d give it to them without hesitation. (Top picture is clickable)
Interests/Hobbies Menu This is the menu for my hobbies and interests. In the next three slides you will see my three favorite things I do. The first slide will be about the video games I play and why I like them. In the slide after that it will be of my favorite cars that I want to own later in life. The final slide will tell you about my main passion which is marching band. Video Games Cars Marching Band
Video Games Video games are probably my second hobby and the one I do the most out of the three. First will be how I got into video games. The first time I ever saw a video game my dad was playing Call of Duty four and I thought it was bad. Then about a year after that my dad introduced me to the Playstation 3. I thought it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Ever since then I had just love Playstation. The first game I gad ever played was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Those games have been my stress relievers ever since then.Playstation My favorite games of the moment are Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and Fallout 4. They both have great graphics and play really smoothly. I play Fallout 4 more often though because it has no limit to what you cant do and it just lets you run wild through the destroyed city of Boston, the Commonwealth. Black Ops 3 is more of a strategic game where you need to use skill to be able to score. Lots of people develop really fast reactions due to that game.Black Ops 3 Fallout 4 Hobbies Menu
Cars Hobbies Menu I haven’t always been into cars but ever since I saw the Chevy Camaro in the Transformers movies I fell in love. Ever since then I have always known that when I grow up I am going to buy that car for myself. The mustang is a nice car I kind of want too because of the Need for Speed movie when the main characters built the fastest mustang that went 236 miles per hour and sold for two million dollars, in the movie of course.Chevy Camaro The Camaro has a body that just stands out as strong and its like it’s a magnet for me to go and just look at it. It sounds like a monster when it drives by. If you take a ride in it and do actual driving where you spin on the turns its amazing. The Ford Mustang on the other hand I have not been in but it is still a nice car. Its headlights are the thing that probably attracts me to it the most. They are just hypnotizing.Ford Mustang
Marching Band Hobbies Menu By far my favorite of these three hobbies is marching band. Although mostly everybody in the school calls us lame and stuff like that we don’t care. We know that we aren’t awesome, but we do know that we are all a big family. We don’t get any recognition from the school, but that’s fine because we sure get recognition when we win first place in competitions. We are RTMB and that stands Redlands Terrier Marching Band. All of us take pride in the shows we create for everybody. We all care for each other. This is the band that represents RHS to other bands. Our show this year was called Twisted, and it was really exciting being in the field and having at least thirty people clapping for us. In our band every instrument except for string instruments play on the field, nut in the professional bands only brass play on the field. These professional bands consist of people from ages fourteen to twenty-one max. These bands all perform in he Drum Corps International or DCI for short. They all try their hardest and most never make it to first place. In the end they all have fun doing all of it. My favorite one of these professional band is the Bluecoats because their uniforms and shows are really good. All of the DCI bands inspire me to get better and make it to the top.RTMBDrum Corps International