EITHER Total marks for this question: 12 marks 2 a) Choose one of the medical pioneers below. >Robert Koch >Louis Pasteur What did he do?(4 marks) b) Which of these medical pioneers contributed most to improved medical knowledge during the 19 th Century? Explain your answer.(8 marks) OR Total marks for this question: 12 marks 3 a) Choose one of the important theories in the history of medicine below. >The theory of the four humours >Germ theory What was the theory? (4 marks) b) Which of these theories contributed more to the development of medicine? Explain your answer.(8 marks) SECTION B Disease and Infection Answer either question 2 or question 3
2 a) Choose one of the medical pioneers below. >Robert Koch >Louis Pasteur What did he do?(4 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Answers that show simple recognition of either Koch or Pasteur eg. Pasteur was the first person to link say that germs caused disease. 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers will show knowledge of some distinctive features of the achievements or methods of either Pasteur or Koch eg. Koch continued Pasteur’s ground breaking work and developed a method of staining germs with dye to identify different germs that caused disease. By this method he was able to isolate the germs that caused cholera and anthrax. 3-4 marks SECTION B Disease and Infection Mark Scheme
2 b) Which of these medical pioneers contributed most to improved medical knowledge during the 19 th Century? Explain your answer. (8 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Describes the work of Pasteur and/or Koch eg. Pasteur discovered that germs cause disease while working for a brewing company on Paris 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers that comment briefly on BOTH people in a simple comparison eg. Pasteur discovered that germs cause disease but was unable to complete his work due to his premature death. Koch was able to continue the search for answers to the causes of disease by leading a team of scientists who found a way to isolate specific germs for specific diseases. OR Answers that consider ONE person’s contribution to the development of Germ Theory in depth. 3-5 marks Level 3 Answers that explain and evaluate BOTH people’s contribution to Germ Theory in a comparison that is detailed 6-8 marks SECTION B Disease and Infection Mark scheme
3 a) Choose one of the important theories in the history of medicine below. >The theory of the four humours >Germ theory What was the theory? (4 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Answers will show simple recognition of EITHER the Four Humours theory OR Germ Theory e.g The Four Humours were black bile, blood, yellow bile and phlegm 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers will show some knowledge of some distinctive features of EITHER the Four Humours theory OR Germ Theory e.g Germ theory was a scientific explanation of the way germs cause disease/decay. Previously many scientists believed that disease/decay happened spontaneously. They mistook the germs for the product rather than the cause of disease/decay. 3-4 marks SECTION B Disease and Infection Mark Scheme
3 b) Which of these theories contributed more to the development of medicine? Explain your answer.(8 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Describes the theory of the Four Humours and/or Germ Theory e.g Germ Theory showed why milk and wine went off. Many scientists at the time believed in spontaneous generation. 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers that comment briefly on BOTH theories in a simple comparison eg The four humours theory was about balancing your humours. It told you why you were ill. The germ theory also said why you could be sick but used germs as the cause not humours. OR Answers that consider ONE theory’s contribution to the development of medicine in depth. 3-5 marks Level 3 Answers that explain and evaluate BOTH theories contribution to the development of medicine in a comparison that is detailed. 6-8 marks SECTION B Disease and Infection Mark scheme
EITHER Total marks for this question: 12 marks 4 a) Choose one of the historical periods below. >Ancient Greece >Ancient Rome What kinds of public health facilities were there at that time? (4 marks) b) Which of these historical periods contributed more to the development of Public Health? Explain your answer.(8 marks) OR Total marks for this question: 12 marks 5 a) Choose one of the individuals below >Edwin Chadwick >John Snow What did they do? (4 marks) b) Which of these individuals contributed most to the development of Public Health? Explain your answer.(8 marks) SECTION C Public Health Answer either question 2 or question 3
4 a) Choose one of the historical periods below. >Ancient Greece >Ancient Rome What kinds of public health facilities were there at that time? (4 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Answers will show simple recognition of EITHER the Greek or Roman Public Health e.g The Roman public health system was very good, they had public toilets 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers will show some knowledge of some distinctive features of EITHER the Greek or Roman Public Health e.g The Greeks did not have a centralised public health system, but Greek people consider health to be an important part of their day to day life. Greeks would follow a ‘Regimen’ A strict plan which dictated what to eat, when to eat it, what exercise to do. 3-4 marks SECTION C Public Health Mark Scheme
4 b) Which of these historical periods contributed more to the development of Public Health? Explain your answer.(8 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Describes the theory of the Greek and/or Roman Public Health system e.g The Greeks did not have a centralised public health system, but Greek people consider health to be an important part of their day to day life. 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers that comment briefly on BOTH systems in a simple comparison While the Greeks were clearly concerned with public health, a lack of strong centralised government meant that a uniform public health plan was not followed through the empire OR Answers that consider ONE period’s contribution to the development of periods in depth. 3-5 marks Level 3 Answers that explain and evaluate BOTH periods contribution to the development of public health in a comparison that is detailed. 6-8 marks SECTION C Public Health Mark scheme
5 a) Choose one of the individuals below >Edwin Chadwick >John Snow What did they do? (4 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Answers will show simple recognition of EITHER the Chadwick or Snow e.g Edwin Chadwick found out poor health was linked to poverty.1- 2 marks Level 2 Answers will show some knowledge of some distinctive features of EITHER the Chadwick or Snow e.g John snow discovered that Cholera was caused by dirty water after an outbreak of cholera in Broad Street in Snow noticed that the outbreak was restricted to a small area within 250 yards of a single water pump.3-4 marks SECTION C Public Health Mark Scheme
5 b) Which of these individuals contributed most to the development of Public Health? Explain your answer.(8 marks) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question 0 marks Level 1 Describes the work of Chadwick or snow e.g John Snow found out about links between dirty water and Cholera 1-2 marks Level 2 Answers that comment briefly on BOTH Chadwick and Snow in a simple comparison eg Chadwick contributed to the development of Public Health because when he was employed by the Poor Law Commission. Snow had a more direct impact because as soon as he found out water was causing the illness, he could take the handle of the offending water pump. OR Answers that consider ONE individuals’s contribution to the development of Public Health in depth. 3-5 marks Level 3 Answers that explain and evaluate BOTH Individuals contribution to the development of public health in a comparison that is detailed. 6-8 marks SECTION C Public Health Mark scheme