Frank DiMauro Web App Specialist Information Services Division Case Study: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache
Outline Previous vs Current Setup Why Apache? Why Enfold Server over Apache? Architectural Challenges Migration Path New Products/Deprecated products Working with Enfold Conclusion Case Study: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache Metrics: First Go-live to Plone in April 2005 Site hits of 6 million/month then, currently over 17 million hits/month (July/06) Staff assigned to maintain site: FTE = 3 ; Content managers = 60+ Domain names pointing to site = 20
Previous Setup Notes Windows Server 2003 SP1 Apache Plone 2.0.4, upgraded to Production Server also serving 2 IIS sites
Current Setup Notes Windows Server 2003 SP1 Enfold Server 2.8 includes Plone 2.1.2, and iFilter integration Enfold Proxy SQL Server 7.0
Current Setup: Delta Copy Notes rsync of ZODBs running thru DeltaCopy twice/day ZODB on HOT BACKUP serves as backup copy Plone files on HOT BACKUP kept in synch with LIVE server Production Server also serving 2 IIS sites
Specs: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache S/WPreviousCurrent Plone Python Zope Apache2.52n/a Windows Server 2003SP1 SQL Server77 Enfold Servern/a2.8 Enfold Proxyn/a2.5.2 Enfold Desktop eGenix ODBCn/a2.0.7 DeltaCopyn/a1.1.3
Why Apache? Original contractor developed site using Apache re-write rules Windows not ideal for complexity of site in Plone Our site would not run w/o apache or linux OS Apache: Open source and relatively simple to install/administer Limited staff experience with Apache/Eclipse/WebSphere Case Study: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache
Why Enfold Server and NOT Apache? As site grew / needs multiplied Server maintenance and apache support less reliable. Primarily a “Windows” shop Upgrading to Plone anyway Site complexity / non-Plone core plug-ins required outside expertise to migrate Enfold has solid Windows / open source expertise Case Study: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache
Architectural Challenges Non-core products Apache rewrites and VHM SSL enforcement Intranet portion of site restricted by IP range Customized templates in “custom” folder Code reuse not optimized Multiple domain names… Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache
Additional Challenges Custom workflow Some non-core products broken IP restricted Intranet access via LDAP offsite Need for redundancy / failover protection Dovetail with UNC School of Medicine CMS/Plone efforts Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache
New Products LocalFS mxODBCDA SmartFormsSkins (Cignex) zSiteWeaver (Cignex) IPRange plug in PlonePAS (Pluggable Authentication Service) iFilter (Enfold Server) Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache Notes EES Sheduled tasks: Log rotation Backup ZODB pack
New Products iFilter (Enfold Server) Microsoft's interface into Index server. Converts certain types of documents into plain text. Windows allows over 50 types including Microsoft Office content. Coupled with TextIndexNG, allows ES to search various types of documents uploaded to the server. Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache
Obsolete Products CMFCTIResources (Cignex) ZODBCDA (Cignex) Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache Notes Apache turned off Apache proxy/rewrite function assumed by Enfold Proxy SSL assignment assumed by IIS and external method Data.fs doubled size ODBC connector replaced by eGenix product iFilter plug-in repaired the indexing feature missing in CMFCTIResource product
Migration Path Plone migration script Run external methods Fix templates Migrate CMFCTIResource objects Cleanout missing resources Import custom workflow and update (internal published) Uninstall Epoz Install ES/EP on Backup Server rSync / DeltaCopy setup Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache Notes Install ES and EP Install eGenix ODBC Setup IPrange plug-in Setup PlonePAS Portal_squid purges domains Custom caching configuration
Enfold Server Notes Enfold Server application controller is “encontrol” screen. Provides control over Zeo server Zeo Clients (set by default) Create new clients Create emerg user Start/Stop service Scheduled tasks etc.
Enfold Server
Enfold Proxy Notes Enfold Proxy Full caching proxy inside IIS that talks to any Plone instance and specifically ESE.
Enfold Proxy
Working with enfold systems Pros Plone architects (Alan Runyan, Andy McKay, etc.) Small company / personalized service IIS / Windows expertise Committed to open source / legacy system integration International consulting associates (Brazil, Australia, etc.) Issue collector and online documentation SVN site subversion
Working with enfold systems Cons Andy McKay & Cam Cooper gone Small company User support not 24/7
Questions? Migration: Updating Plone and Replacing Apache