Does our organization take the actions possible for utilization of knowledge? Self-assessment tool KTE-TUMS Group
What is this tool? This tool is a result of a research done in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. In this study the barriers to the process of knowledge transfer have been identified and categorized according to the qualitative study and literature review done on organizations producing research- based knowledge.
The result of this research project is a model (knowledge translation model) that introduces these barriers.
Dr sadighi’s Article
The KTE Model of TUMS
Reza Majdzadeh
The application of the mentioned material has resulted in a self-assessment tool with which research stakeholders of any institute (be it the university, college, private or public research centers) can use to identify the barriers to knowledge transfer in their own organizations and to suggest appropriate solutions based on the answers given in order to improve the situation.
This tool has been designed in four sections: The question of research: can we identify the decision makers' needs of research and turn them into research questions? Knowledge production: is it possible to produce evidence that is useful for decision making? Knowledge transfer: do our research results create a change in the decision makers' attitudes? Are their results applicable? Promoting the use of evidence: do we help the decision makers in utilization of the research results?
'Knowledge transfer' and 'knowledge translation' are clearly different from each other. In many parts of this text research users and decision makers have been mentioned. Please note that these groups may be policy makers, executive managers, hospital managers, healthcare providers such as physicians, midwives, nurses, pharmacists, dentists and … and also patient groups or the society.
Three models can be described with respect to decision makers (policy makers) cooperation: Formal Supporter: In this process the decision makers are not actively involved in the research process Responsive Audience: In this condition the decision maker is active to the extent that he responds to the researchers ideas; arranges the information he needs; gives the necessary counseling; gives the necessary information to the researcher and makes necessary connections. Integral Partner: In this condition the decision maker is completely involved in the research process and is influential in its formation. The decision maker is an influential member of the team.
How to use this tool? Considering the users of your research Responding to the statements of self- assessment in this tool Prioritization of the problems identified Choosing interventions for the problems that are priority
In the items of this guide it is necessary to keep in mind that many of the topics that result in the strengthening of research strengthen knowledge transfer too. Some of the statements refer to common topics of strengthening research, including priority setting (the question of research) and producing evidence (knowledge production). However the third part that refers to knowledge transfer is more specific and focused.
The other point is that this is not all that can be done for strengthening knowledge translation; the main point is to introduce interventions for 'research-based knowledge translation' in institutes responsible for doing research. We should remember that alongside this self- assessment tool is another tool for decision making organizations.