1 st formative By Michelle/ 6B CHILDREN’S RIGHTS.


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Presentation transcript:

1 st formative By Michelle/ 6B CHILDREN’S RIGHTS

Home/ Shelter Rights and responsibility You have right to life in a hygienic situation: Clean up after doing some thing Don’t make something to messy Organize your things Help to clean up Throw rubbish in the rubbish bin Connection : if we want to have a clean situation, we have to keep it clean our self

Home/ Shelter Rights and responsibility Have right to Eat and Drink: Do not waste food/ water Eat vegetables and healthy food Pray and wash hands before eating Say thank you to your parents Eat properly Do not argue when eating Share the food to the others ( not selfish) Connection: If we want to eat and drink, we cannot just pick the food and throw the others, some people cannot even pick food. We have to finish it. Some people hate vegetables but we still have to eat it and try to stay healthy

Home/ Shelter Rights and responsibility Have to feel safe and confortable: Take care of the community Respect to the family member Make others feel confortable and safe Have good manners Connection: if we want to feel safe and confront able, we have to make other feel comfortable and feel safe. If we make other people feel like that, they will respect you and do the something as well

Home/ Shelter Rights and responsibility You have right to have Privacy and and your own belonging : Respect other people privacy Keep your own secrets to your self Allow other people to borrow some of your things Keep it in a safe situation (don’t lose it or break it) Respect other people belonging Connection: to have our own belonging, we cannot take other people things, we have to respect them as they have to respect us. We cannot break or lose the things so people will trust you more with your things

Home/ Shelter Rights and responsibility Have right to be healthy ( check up, medicine, bath & etc.): Follow the orders of the doctor Clean your hands before you eat Brush your teeth every day Don’t sleep to late Check up at least once a moth Respect the people who give you instruction how to keep being healthy Connection: if we want to keep being healthy, we our self have to keep our body healthy and not depend on someone or something. And we we ask for provisional to help, we have to follow their orders

Home/ Shelter Rights and responsibility Have the right to live: Follow the god that you worship Be proud of your self Try to achieve the best Be caring to others Don’t lie to your self ( do not lie) Connection: if we have the right to live then as living being,we have to try to appreciate the things that are given.

School / Education Rights and Responsibility Right to have education for all Never give up to do something new Try the best that we can Listen to the teacher Follow the rules and consequence Connection: if we are given a chance to have education, we have to try our best and respect the teachers, they have given lots of thing so we can have a better future, but we either have to appreciate our school and not embarrasses it

School / Education Rights and Responsibility Right to have good teachers Listen to them when their talking Respect the teachers do all the works Do all the work on time Make them feel comfortable Good relationship Connection: we have to respect our teachers and follow their orders because they want to teach us and to improve our ability

School / Education Rights and Responsibility Right to have a Good quality of school Pay school fee Don’t say bad things about your school and other school Do not embarrass your school Follow the rules Keep good relationship for school and parents Connection: if we want to have good quality of school we need to pay attention of school fee, good relationship within other school and our school and parents, we encourage our self to not say bad word and follow the rules

School / Education Rights and Responsibility Right to have relationship with friends: Respect them Sharing Help each other Keep privacy No buying Connection: if we need to have a relationship with friends then we need to respect, help, share and keep privacy. We either cannot bully other friend.

School / Education Rights and Responsibility Right to have a healthy environment Keep the environment clean Tidy materials that you use Throw the rubbish in the rubbish bin Eat in the cafeteria Bring spare clothes if your going to run or play Use water as we need Connection: if we want to have a healthy environment we need to aware of the environment, clean green and safe. Also our responsibility to take care our environment safe for the future

Society right and responsibility We have the right to have friends Do not judge other people by looking at them Try to have friends and not enemies Do not talk in their back Try to help them when they have some problems Connection: if we want to have friends, try to keep being closer and be empathy about want they feel

Society right and responsibility be treated fairly No boss for other people around No lying to your friends Don’t make a gossip about them Help each other Connection: if we want to be treat fairly then we need to be honest, do not lie, don’t be bossy and talk openly. If we can we have to try to help them when they need it

Society right and responsibility We have right to have a family Respect each other Help them when their in trouble and don’t cause troble Do not bully share your things Connection: if we want to have a family we have to respect each other and feel become a part of them, to take care of them, we cannot make a problem and make them feel bad.

Society right and responsibility Have the right to fell safe and comfortable Do not threatened other people do not lie and believe/trust on other Don’t make them feel sad /angry/disappointed Have a good attitude Connection: if we want to feel safe and comfortable, we have to make them comfortable too. we cannot threatened other people, we cannot lie and we have to trust them.