Ticks and Tick-Borne Illnesses of Alabama Emily Merritt and Dr. Graeme Lockaby Source:
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Those who spend time outdoors are at risk of coming into contact with ticks
Tick-Borne Illness in Alabama ▪ Ticks bite and infect humans, pets, and wildlife in Alabama Symptoms treatable, can be life- threatening or long-lasting Not much known about contributing factors of tick distributions or tick-borne illness prevalence in Alabama Kelly Stevens, unpublished data ADPH reported cases of tick- borne illness,
Research Suggests… ▪ Warmer winters, enhanced host distributions expanding tick and TBI distributions extent? ▪ Urbanization forest fragmentation increased tick densities TBI risk? ▪ Fertile soils increased tick densities and TBI prevalence specifics?
▪ We will improve understanding of Alabama ticks and tick-borne illnesses by identifying factors that affect their presence, distribution, and prevalence 3-year project Sample state and private lands: Cumberland Plateau, Ridge and Valley, Piedmont, Coastal Plain ▪Ticks and blood from wildlife Age, sex, weight ▪Tick cloth drags ▪Sweetgum foliage samples soil fertility RMSF STARI Lyme Ehrlichiosis For This Project…
▪ We will examine tick species/TBI-environmental relationships: For This Project… Physiography Elevation Climatic conditions Season Land use/cover Forest distribution/integrity Vegetation Soil fertility Burn regime Protected vs. hunted Hosts
▪ Factors that contribute to presence, distribution, prevalence ▪ TBIs affect wildlife? ▪ Hotspot maps locations and densities of ticks and their TBIs ▪ Predictive model for disease risk as a function of changing seasons, climate, habitats, extent and distribution of forests ▪ Public outreach events, seminars, publications Products Emily Merritt
▪ Provide evidence that TBIs are present in wildlife throughout Alabama Implications for wildlife? humans? Information for medical professionals, state and federal agencies ADCNR, ADPH, USFS, CDC Arm residents with knowledge they need to avoid ticks, prevent illness, and get proper treatment Extend research Goals
What We Need ▪ 3 years of funding ▪ Pathogen analysis: $24,000 More funding = more TBIs ▪ Travel costs: $15,000 Car, food, lodging ▪ Materials and supplies: $5,000 Safety #1 concern ▪ Foliar analysis: $2,000+ More funding = more samples
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