conditions for learning Aiming for excellence in self-evaluation
conditions for learning I can improve our self evaluation by: fostering the culture managing the process collecting and using evidence to plan for improvement engaging with all stakeholders Intended outcomes
conditions for learning ‘Human behaviour is a centipede, it marches forward on many legs - or does not advance at all.’ Warren G Bennis, Leading for a Lifetime, 2007
conditions for learning
emerging themes Isolation Partnership Process & outcome Impact ProceduresCulture Using Management Information QuestioningDialogue
conditions for learning magic ingredients Integrity Relationships, trust, respect Courage Knowledge of school and community Team working Connection with the wider environment Planning and integrating
conditions for learning Delivery of education 5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation Commitment to self-evaluation (process) Management of self-evaluation School improvement Partnerships and resources 8.1 Partnerships with the community, educational establishments, agencies and employers (School board and community) Clarity of purposes and aims Working across agencies and disciplines Staff roles in partnerships
conditions for learning Workshop task For QI 5.9, consider: types of evidence, how to collect, how to store, how to use Possible linkage with other QIs For Q1 8.1, consider: Key questions (use Level 5 illustration) types of evidence, how to collect, how to store, how to use Possible linkage with other QIs