What is Public Administration Reform? The resource for achieving more efficient, more effective and more accountable state administration The resource of continued and sustainable socio-economic development The precondition of integration of BiH in the EU
Why Public Administration Reform? Because of professional attitude of civil servants towards citizens...quality services of the state administration and simple administrative procedures...economic spending of the tax payers’ money...enabling of the public administration to implement the acquis communautaire
Strategic principles of Public Administration Reform Systematic and all comprising approach to the Reform Strong political determination Accountability of all the levels of government Consulting with the civil sector Measuring of the progress of the Reform
Phases of the implementation of the Reform First phase: end 2007 (reform of the horizontal structures) Second phase: end 2007 – end 2010 (establishment and strengthening of the horizontal, improvement of the sector functions) Third phase: beginning 2011 – end 2014 (raising standards of the public administration to the level of the European administrative space)
What the Reform comprises? Policy-making and coordination capacity Public finances Human resources Administrative procedure Institutional communication Information technologies
In the reformed public administration State administration is speedy, professional and efficient Civil servants are qualified Procedures are simple and verifiable E-government is functioning
European administrative standards are easy to adopt Law drafting are preceded by the analysis of the condition Regulations are harmonised on all the levels In the reformed public administration
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN B&H PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN B&H INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES OBJECTIVE: Introducing information technologies in public administration, automating its business processes, increasing provision of e-services and information, as well as involving citizens in decision making process – make public administration on all the levels more accountable, more efficient and more transparent. IT REGULATIONS AND ACTION PLAN OF THE e-ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OF THE IT INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL STANDARDS AND POLICIES ORGANISATION SETTING OF THE IT SECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY IN THE IT SECTOR STANDARDS IN IT DEVELOPMENT BiH WEB PORTAL AND e-SERVICES INTRODUCTION OF e-ADMINISTRATION
IT REGULATIONS AND ACTION PLAN FOR e- ADMINISTRATION IT REGULATIONS AND ACTION PLAN FOR e- ADMINISTRATION Provision of political support, financial and human resources for the implementation of the Action Plan for e- administration, on all the levels in BiH and coordination of the donor aid by focusing on priority IT projects. Adoption of the missing set of laws on the IT area, for all the levels in accordance wit the requirements of the acquis (laws on: e-signature, e-business, e-document, etc.) Defining and adoption, at the respective levels, of the remaining laws and regulations for the usage of IT, according to the requirements of the acquis. Signing and ratification of the European Convention on Computer Crime and harmonisation of other regulations from the area of IT with the requirements of the acquis. Implementation of the Action Plan of e- administration, updated according to the established priorities. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Setting priorities for realisation between projects defined by the Action Plan for e- administration and projection of updated IT projects.
Preparation and adoption of software strategy for the public sector in BiH and joint software licensing by contracts on group licenses. Analysis of advantages and shortcomings of the usage of open source software /OSS/ in public administration of BiH, drafting of feasibility study and recommendations for the usage of OSS products in BiH. Establishment of common standards for procurements in the IT area (forms of contracts for IT services, works and delivery of goods, contents of project documentation, etc.). Defining of criteria for selection of the most favourable bid. Production of mechanisms for acquiring original software code with production of IS developed in BiH. Analysis of the existing IT security and defining of standards and procedures for safe exchange of data in public administration. Implementation of existing BAS (BiH national standard). DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL STANDARDS AND POLICIES DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL STANDARDS AND POLICIES Defining of methodology for IT project management. Constant evaluation of security of conducting inspections of security measures and risk analysis on all the levels of administration. Choice of CERT institution. Development of common methodology for evaluation of jobs, which will be applied to all the CSAs. Development and implementation of trainings on methodology for HRM experts from CSAs and institutions. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES
Establishment of expertise and function of the Agency for Information Society /AIS at the level of BiH/, adoption of law on AIS and forming and putting into function the AIS. Division of IT functions and services which need to be provided centrally, in relation to services provided by private sector and adoption of strategy for procurement outside services. ORGANISATION SETTING OF THE IT SECTOR ORGANISATION SETTING OF THE IT SECTOR Improvement of cooperation of the IT staff in public administration, exchange of experiences and practice through the internal IT forums and establishment of common standards. Improvement of procedures for verification of job applications and implementation of training for the CSA staff. Organisational and formal establishment of central IT units on other levels of administration in BiH and cooperation with the AIS. Annual planning of the IT staff and transfer of the IT staff from respective institutions to central IT units for centralised functions and services. Adoption of common methodology for IT services management (ITIL), planning of common processes of periphery units and communication lines. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES
. 1. Analysis of the training needs and insurance of the budget for expert education of the IT staff. 2. Insurance of the continued IT training through the coordinator for education at every level of administration, better cooperation with faculties and laboratories for e-administration. HRM POLICY IN THE IT SECTOR HRM POLICY IN THE IT SECTOR 1. Organisation of seminars for senior management on the potentials of the IT in the public administration reform and better communication with the IT staff. 2. Analysis of the training needs and insurance of the budget for the expert education of the IT staff. Presentation of the new IT projects, initiation of the pilot projects in the priority areas and informing on the achieved results. 1. Analysis of businesses and jobs in the IT sector, establishment of common systematisation and code book for jobs in the IT area. 2. Development of the HRM strategy for keeping and stimulation of deficient IT staff (bonuses, career promotions, constant education). Verification of computer literacy of the existing staff and introduction of the rules on the minimum computer literacy for the newly employed. Forming of the body at the level of BiH, authorised for the ECDL certification. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES
Insurance of unified point of access for information exchange within the administration – Gateway of public administration (centralised services for access to common data and services). Drafting of analysis of existing networks with an objective of optimisation and Development of projects of linking of all the administration organisation units with an objective of efficient data exchange. Horizontal networking within public administration – completion of LANs in respective institutions. BUILDING OF IT STRUCTURE BUILDING OF IT STRUCTURE Introduction of standards for unified configuration of workstations by levels of administration/institutions – through categorisation of jobs. Update and maintenance of data base for configurations management in all the institutions. Introduction of technology for implementation of electronic signatures - PKI of public sector (public key infrastructure) – analysis, concept proposal, pilot projects and implementation of PKI. Vertical networking within public administration – development of infrastructure for unified approach to Internet, with common services and security solutions. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES
STANDARDS IN DEVELOPMENT OF IT STANDARDS IN DEVELOPMENT OF IT Preparation of methodology with common set of activities in the process of development of IS infrastructure and applications (reference standards, project requirements, bearers, conditions for applications development, reception, maintenance and upgrade of products). Development and implementation of unified software solutions for all the horizontal functions in the administrative bodies (automation of common processes). Draft proposal of optimal solution for harmonisation and linking of respective public registers, on the basis of conducted analysis and established list of priorities. Draft of framework for interoperability of IT systems and harmonisation with the European framework of interoperability. Insurance of access to common data and their exchange by adopting standards for exchange of data which are based on XML. 1. Realisation of the concept of interoperability. 2. Building of unified point of access to data for citizens (“one-stop- shop”): by unified software solution and access procedures. Introduce synchronised versions of ISs in all the institutions and configuration management (common definitions of data, terminology, “knowledge base”). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES
BiH WEB PORTAL BiH WEB PORTAL AND e-SERVICES Establishment of common criteria and standards for unified visual and content identity of WEB pages of all the public administration institutions. Establishment of unified CMS web solution for all the public administration institutions. Design of BiH interactive portal with implemented services organised around everyday events. Draft of unified concept of electronic services of public administration in BiH. Draft of e-services implementation priority list in relation list of 20 e –services contained in the document e- Europe Insurance of resources and implementation of e-services in accordance with the list of priorities. Designing of the common information BiH portal – central point of access to all the institutions with links to sub portals to lower levels of administration (entities, cantons and municipalities). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES
INTRODUCTION OF e-ADMINISTRATION INTRODUCTION OF e-ADMINISTRATION Promotion of e- administration among the employees of public administration and beneficiaries of services for the purpose of ensuring support to the introduction of IT in public administration – promotion campaigns. Organising of seminars, public debates and round tables for the purpose of familiarising with the potentials of IT. Establishment of e- administration forum – through coordination of activities of the representatives of the administration, private sector, universities and IT experts. Measuring of progress of usage of IT in public administration on the basis of introduced instruments. Coordination of e-administration forum with e-municipalities association forum. Introduction of measuring instruments (statistic parameters), setting the mode of data gathering and accounting methodology for monitoring progress of development of e-administration. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES