Research data ecosystem David Groenewegen Director, Research, University Library
Monash context Big university Research intensive Global “Young and hungry” Resources-challenged
Stepping outside New roles Knowledge management Transforming scholarly communication – Repository – Publishing – Research data management – ARROW, DART, ARCHER, ANDS It’s all about partnering
Monash University Research Repository Over 140,000 records Publications required for government reporting Journal collections Research data Student newspaper Patents Rare Books material PhD theses Faculty of Business and Economics working papers Open Access material
Open Access: a dead end The journal war is lost Gold OA will win There is no role for the library in Gold OA other than as agent of APC payments Or as a repository owner of Green versions that most people don’t want This is a waste of our skills and experience. But...
Research data management Mainstreamed through: Incorporation into teaching and engagement Infrastructure for all researchers – Advice – Tools – Storage – Publication Collaboration between Researchers, Faculties, Library, eSolutions, MeRC, MIGR and Research Office
The 21 st Century Microscope
Ecosystem: software solutions Funding application and approval Pure Ethics approval (solution under consideration) Data collection and processing Instrument integration MyTardisLabArchivesGitHubmonash.figshare Data analysis, storage and management Desktop labs Massive Research Data Storage Monash (RDSM) LabArchives GitHub monash.figshare Publication of results and data Puremonash.figshare Published data retention and disposal monash.figshare Research Data Storage Monash (RDSM) Archiving and preservation solution (currently under investigation)
Assumptions Monash researchers create an unknown but substantial amount of research data every year The vast bulk of this data is stored and managed in locations that do not enable easy discovery, sharing or re-use Our researchers want to be able to manage their data in methods that they control that make sense with their workflows and disciplinary expectations Monash does not have enough people to hold everyone’s hands in this We should provide people, tools and services that enable Research Data Management (RDM)
Storage as entry point to RDM Key for researchers is ability to manage and control how they –store –share Then use the same tool to –publish Underpinned by the Data Curation Continuum
We need tools that are: Convenient and easy to use Obviously better than what researchers were already doing Able to create metadata at points when it is relevant Allowing researcher control Making publishing of data a one click process The flexibility of the cloud with the confidence of ongoing institutional storage
Research data ecosystem
Where possible all data should be stored in essentially the same place, the Research Data Store which offers a variety of different gateways and brands to the same underlying service. Storage
Connect to other University tools, such as ORCID, Monash DOI service, Pure Research Management service, or to external services A variety of tools which where possible point to in a manner that is invisible to the user Management, collecting and sorting
Should a researcher choose to make some of their data available, Monash will again offer a variety of gateways and connections, designed to maximise discovery and impact. Publication
Data only monash.figshare web interface Data and metadata Monash data storage Metadata and DOI Research Data Australia Monash publications repository Monash data Archives Data and Metadata monash.figshare web interface Metadata and DOI Data only researcher Typical user
monash.figshare web interface Data and metadata Metadata and DOI Research Data Australia Monash publications repository Data and Metadata Metadata and DOI monash web interface Laboratory user Data only labarchives data storage labarchives data archives labarchives data archives Data only Monash data storage Monash data Archives Data only Laboratory user
Advantages for researchers Manage and control their research data Private and collaborative storage spaces Securely stored in Monash storage Accessible from anywhere Make research outputs citable, sharable, discoverable Data can be discoverable without being open
Building the future How does this contribute to: – The University’s effectiveness? – Our rankings and reputation? – A desire to collaborate with, work at or study at Monash? How do we know? – The courage of our convictions, combined with evidence-based decision-making