JP MYBL The National Institute of Health Carlos III And Strategic Action for Health Research (AES) within the R+DT+I National Plan 2008-2011 of Spain March.


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Presentation transcript:

JP MYBL The National Institute of Health Carlos III And Strategic Action for Health Research (AES) within the R+DT+I National Plan of Spain March 21st -22 th, 2012 FIS Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Rafael De Andrés Medina

National Institute of Health Carlos III Director General Unit for Quality & Planning Secretariat General Underdirectorate General for Applied Services, Training & Research Underdirectorate General for Co-operative Research Networks & Centres Underdirectorate General for Research International Programmes & Institutional Relations Tele-medicine & IS Research Un it Underdirectorate General for Research Evaluation & Promotion CIBERs, RETICS Foundations : CNIO, CNIC, CIEN, CSAI Follow-up & Control Commission for the Donation & Use of Human Cells & Tissues FIS Management Informatics AETS INVESTEN BNCS Office for European Projects OTRI Underdirectorate General for Cell Therapy & Regenerative Medicine Centres configurated as Nets National Bank of Cell Lines Museum of Health CNM CNSA CNMTrop IIER CNE ENS ENMT Intramural Research 2 Campuses 2 Campuses

SUPPORT to Policies & the National Health System of Spain Health related societal challenges early warning, foresight & forecast Health Technology Assessment. Drafting the Sectorial Initiative for Health Research Advocacy, Advice & Brokering to institutions and teams EXECUTING INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES OCCUPATIONAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH POSTGRADUATE TRAINING SERVICES R&D Managing the STRATEGIC ACTION FOR HEALTH RESEARCH (AES ) within the R&TD&I Plan of Spain Extramural R&D peers´review competitive assignation of Funds Projects, Networks, Capacity Building & Capabilities ISCIII´s MAIN ROLES REGULATORY e.g. on biobanks CERTIFICATION e.g. Health Research Institutes (IIS)

Fund for Health Research (FIS) To Promote Research for producing Scientific Knowledge in Spain within the ERA in the scope of the international competitive global positioning for 1.Better health prediction, promotion, prevention, care and rehabilitation of individual persons and populations. 2.Improve Spain´s National Health System [SNS] capacities and capabilities via much and better R+TD+I Better integration of Spain´s National Health System [SNS] within the Science-Technology-Enterprise-Society System. 5.Source for policies and legitimation for Political Authorities´ actions. Mission and vision, as well ambition FIS Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria “From Bench to Bedside and Society”

”Strategy of Spain for Science, Technology and Innovation SPAIN R+TD+I Plan of SPAIN R+DT+I Oriented To Global Societal Challenges: (1) Health, Demographic Chang ans Welbeing Strategic Initiative for Health Research [AES] Strategic Initiative for Health Research [AES] Managed by ISCIII Managed by ISCIII SPAIN R+TD+I Plan of SPAIN R+DT+I Oriented To Global Societal Challenges: (1) Health, Demographic Chang ans Welbeing Strategic Initiative for Health Research [AES] Strategic Initiative for Health Research [AES] Managed by ISCIII Managed by ISCIII

ERA-NETs: –E-RARE-2 –NEURON –EuroNanoMed-2 –Transcan –ERASysApp Art 185 / ex 169 TFEU co-funding initiatives: –EDCTP –AAL JP (MINETUR + ISCIII co-funding) ESFRI / ERIC : –ELIXIR (Spain: ISCIII as funder, INB as Scientific partner) –BBMRI(Spain: ISCIII as funder, 63 biobanks´ network as Scientific partner) –EATRIS (Spain: ISCIII as funder, 18 Health Research Institutes´ network as Scientific partner) –ECRIN (ISCIII as funder, the Spanish Clinical Trials Network of CRO as Scientific partner) –ERINHA (ISCIII as Spanish partner) –H&F SWG Joint Programming Initiatives: –Neurodegeneration (JPND) –A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JP HDHL) –More Years Better Life (JP MYBL) –Anti-Microbial Resistance (JP AMR) –JPIs To WorkI –RDIRC I ISCIII is an active actor in the European Research Area

Many thanks for your kind attention JP MYBL - Madrid, March 21 st -22 nd, 2013 Rafael De Andres Medina Ignacio Baanante Elsa Moreda Gaspar Giner