Spring 2016 Budget Update April 2016
Agenda Closing Balance Projections Budget Forecast Model Impact of Enrollment Changes Spring 2016 Enrollment FY16 Carryover Revised Budget Reductions Summary by Division Proposed Auxiliary Rates Other Proposed Rates 2
Projected FY16 Closing Balances as of Quarter 3 3 **90% spent calculation includes fund 102
Budget Forecast Model Comparison between previous version of model and current *Assumptions on next slide As of March 29, 2016* As of March
Budget Forecast Model Assumptions for current budget model 5 100% spending of GPR and TSI budgets Resident undergraduate tuition freeze continues through FY19, 2% increase per year thereafter Estimating 35 fewer new resident undergraduate students enroll per year Estimating $0 to -$145,000 tuition impact due to lower International enrollments between FY17-21 TSI Specific 470 new students or transfer students enroll per year Premium remains at $4,600 for FY16, increasing to $4,700 FY17 and FY18, increasing to $4,800 FY19 and FY20 Reduced incentive grants for transfer students by $100,000 in FY17 and $150,000 in FY18 0% pay plan for FY17 and 2% thereafter. State funding for capital repair and maintenance projects is provided in FY18-FY21
Budget Forecast Model Net operating Results as of March 29, 2016 Reflects revenues minus expenses The large negative in FY represents spending down from existing balances to cover one-time priorities, including budget reductions not fully implemented until FY
Impact of Enrollment Changes 7 Keeping or enrolling 35 or more students each year amounts to increased revenue of $209,000 per year Retention increase will have a positive tuition revenue impact
Spring 2016 Enrollment 8
FY16 Carryover Follow the same policy as last year, allowing 100% carryover within the 3 colleges and the Pre-College accounts. No carryover for other fund 102 and TSI areas. 8
Revised Budget Reductions Summary 9
Proposed Room Rates 11
Proposed Board Rates 12
Proposed Segregated Fees 13
Fee Approval Process New Fee Approval Process issued by UW-Platteville in November 2015 The policy requires review and approval of new fees and changes to existing fees by the Chancellor each year. The following 2 slides list those rates, excluding segregated fees. Proposed segregated fees from the previous slide will be reviewed in greater detail at a later date. 13
Other Proposed Rates 15
Other Proposed Rates (Cont.) 16
Budget Approval Process Submission of proposed budget to UW System in early April Board of Regents acts in June 2016 on the operating budget. 13