The Russian Revolution By: Lauren Neely and Mariah Luna
Causes of the Revolutions Mainly caused by Russia’s disastrous involvement in World War 1, after the withdraw from WW1 the country went into a bloody civil war. Lost faith in leadership ability in Tzar Nicholas II. Industrial workers and women were ready to be heard, so they started a protest along with other chaotic events.
Important Battles/Dates 1917: two minor revolutions swept through Russia. 1917, March 8: (February revolution) 1917, November 6-7: Bolshevik revolution.(October revolution) 1918: Tzar Nicholas was kicked off as leader of Russia 1918:a devastating civil war begins against Bolsheviks and Anti-Bolsheviks. 1920: Anti-Bolsheviks were defeated. (White team) 1922: The union of Soviet socialist Republics (USSR) was established.
Leaders of the Revolution Tzar Nicholas II: leader of Russia, though people didn’t have faith in him Industrial women workers: revolted in 1917 March 8(February 23), soon men and women fought for the rights of women. Michael (Czar’s Brother): refusal of crown brought an end to the czarist autocracy.
Leaders of the Revolution Vladirnir Lenin: leader of Bolshevik party. (Bolshevik revolution: red) Provisional Government: The defeated group in the civil war. (Anti-Bolsheviks) Bolshevik Party: lead by Lenin, defeated provisional government in civil war, and recreated their own government.
Results of the Revolution Women’s rights protest didn’t do much but help kick Czar off as leader. The Anti-Bolsheviks were defeated and in 1922 the union of Soviet socialist republics was established. Tzar and his family were shot, when reds won. Finally, the civil war ended after two years of brutal, cruel, and bloody war.
Long Lasting Effects of the Revolution End of autocratic rule Establishment of a socialist/communist government. Complete transformation of Russian society, government, and economy. Formation of Soviet union. Emergence of Russia as world power. The spread of communism throughout the world.
Interesting facts Tzar and his family were abducted near the end of the civil war, taken to a basement and shot. About 90,000 women protested in February Revolution. The February revolution is known as such because of Russia's use of the Julian calendar until February the February revolution actually started on march 8,1917 (or February 23 on the Julian calendar.
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