The Pride of Your Heart 너의 마음의 교만 Colossians 3:12.


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Presentation transcript:

The Pride of Your Heart 너의 마음의 교만 Colossians 3:12

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 그러므로 너희는 하나님이 택하사 거룩하고 사랑받는 자처럼 긍휼과 자비와 겸손과 온유와 오래 참음을 옷입고

Types of Pride Appearance ( 외모 )/Looks

Types of Pride Appearance (Looks) Intelligence Get Straight As Memory

Types of Pride Appearance (Looks) Intelligence (Knowledge) Ability/Talent( 재능 / 능력 ) Sports( 운동 ) Music( 음악 ) Perfect Pitch( 절대음각 )

Types of Pride Appearance (Looks) Intelligence (Knowledge) Ability (Talent) Health( 건강 )/Strength( 힘 ) How to Live to 100 Died of a Heart Attack at 세까지 사는방법 책쓴사람 40 살에 심장마비

Types of Pride Appearance (Looks) Intelligence (Knowledge) Ability (Talent) Health (Strength) Wealth( 재산 )/Money( 돈 )/Possession( 소유 )

Types of Pride Appearance (Looks) Intelligence (Knowledge) Ability (Talent) Health (Strength) Wealth (Money) National/Korean( 국가적 교만 / 긍지 ) Citizenship in Heaven( 천국시민권 )

Types of Pride Appearance (Looks) Intelligence (Knowledge) Ability (Talent) Health (Strength) Wealth (Money) National (Korean) Spiritual( 영적교만 ) Self-Righteousness

1 Peter 5:5 …All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” … 순종하고 다 서로 겸손으로 허리를 동이라 하나님은 교만한 자를 대적하시되 겸손한 자들에게는 은혜를 주시느니라

Spiritual Closet 영적 옷장 Put On 입으라 Clothe 앞치마 Servant 종 Humble Yourself