DHS/ODP OVERVIEW The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) implements programs designed to enhance the preparedness of state and local governments and agencies to effectively PREVENT, RESPOND AND RECOVER from major terrorist incidents. The DHS/ODP programs are designed to: equip, train, and exercise first responders who may be called upon to prevent or respond to terrorist attack using: chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) weapons or Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The Homeland Security Act of 2002 transferred ODP the U.S. Department of Justice to the U.S Department of Homeland Security, effective March 1, 2003.
The City of Portland and Regional Counties have applied for four grants: Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Program 03 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Program 03 Status: formula grant- approved- $6,764,956 Status: formula grant- approved- $6,764,956 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Program 04 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Program 04 Status: formula grant- pending – request amount: $8,112,000 Status: formula grant- pending – request amount: $8,112,000 FY 2004 ODP Homeland Security Grant Program FY 2004 ODP Homeland Security Grant Program State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) Status: requested- $6,474,025 - approved $1,750,00 Status: requested- $6,474,025 - approved $1,750,00 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) Status: requested- $ 1,179,556 -approved $58,839 Status: requested- $ 1,179,556 -approved $58,839 Citizen Corps Program (CCP) Citizen Corps Program (CCP) Status: requested- $118,000 -approved $35,000 Status: requested- $118,000 -approved $35,000 FY 2002 ODP Homeland Security Grant Program FY 2002 ODP Homeland Security Grant Program Status: pending-$485,000 Status: pending-$485,000
UASI Participants
URBAN AREAS SECURITY INITIATIVE (UASI) Program The cornerstone of the UASI Program is that it builds local coalitions around the nation’s urban areas. The cornerstone of the UASI Program is that it builds local coalitions around the nation’s urban areas. The UASI grants provides both resources and support to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance prevention capabilities to CBRNE events. The UASI grants provides both resources and support to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance prevention capabilities to CBRNE events. UASI mission is to build a sustainable and measurable increase in the capability of critical urban areas to prevent, deter, and respond to CBRNE events. UASI mission is to build a sustainable and measurable increase in the capability of critical urban areas to prevent, deter, and respond to CBRNE events. UASI totaled $800 million for grant funding and direct services to 30 key urban areas within 19 states, 14 port zones and 20 mass transit systems. UASI totaled $800 million for grant funding and direct services to 30 key urban areas within 19 states, 14 port zones and 20 mass transit systems. UASI FUNDS: Planning-Equipment Acquisition-Training (including overtime/backfill for attendance of DHS/ODP approved courses and exercises). UASI FUNDS: Planning-Equipment Acquisition-Training (including overtime/backfill for attendance of DHS/ODP approved courses and exercises).
URBAN AREAS SECURITY INITIATIVE (UASI) Program cont’d. The State defined our UASI working area. The UASI required coordination with City of Portland, Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Clark and Columbia Counties The State defined our UASI working area. The UASI required coordination with City of Portland, Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Clark and Columbia Counties The City of Portland is the UASI grant administrator for all participating agencies. The City of Portland is the UASI grant administrator for all participating agencies. Prior to applying for a UASI Grant, each UASI group was required to: Prior to applying for a UASI Grant, each UASI group was required to: Establish the Urban Area Point of Contact Group Establish the Urban Area Point of Contact Group Establish UASI Working Group (Fire, Police, Communications, Emergency Management, Public Health) Establish UASI Working Group (Fire, Police, Communications, Emergency Management, Public Health) Coordinate the Urban Area Homeland Security need assessment (submitted to the State 9/30/03) Coordinate the Urban Area Homeland Security need assessment (submitted to the State 9/30/03) Develop an Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy (submitted to the State 11/30/03) Develop an Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy (submitted to the State 11/30/03) Prepare Budget (budget submitted 12/30/03 for UASI ’03) Prepare Budget (budget submitted 12/30/03 for UASI ’03)
OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY URBAN AREAS SECURITY INITIATIVE GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL REGIONAL GRANT AWARD $6,764,956 TOTAL REGIONAL GRANT AWARD $6,764,956 Portland Police Bureau $808,128 Portland Police Bureau $808,128 Bureau of Fire & Rescue $2,184,525 Bureau of Fire & Rescue $2,184,525 BOEC $700,000 BOEC $700,000 Regional CBRNE Plan Regional CBRNE Plan (State and Local requirement) $ (State and Local requirement) $ POEM- Grants Administration $150,000 POEM- Grants Administration $150,000 City Total $3,992,653 City Total $3,992,653 Other UASI Partners $2,773,455 Other UASI Partners $2,773,455
UASI Process for Developing Preparedness and Sustainment
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANT APPROVAL PORTLAND JURISDICTIONS STRATEGIC PLAN UASI GRANT Goal 1: Urban Area (UA) and grant fund recipients must have a coordinated regional strategy for the prevention of, response to and recovery from CBRNE incidents. This goal includes preparing the UA CBRNE Event Plan by December 31, Goal 1: Urban Area (UA) and grant fund recipients must have a coordinated regional strategy for the prevention of, response to and recovery from CBRNE incidents. This goal includes preparing the UA CBRNE Event Plan by December 31, Goal 2: UA jurisdictions will enhance regional coordination for response to CBRNE events through improved mutual aid and other appropriate assistance agreements. Mutual aid agreements should reflect CBRNE events. Goal 2: UA jurisdictions will enhance regional coordination for response to CBRNE events through improved mutual aid and other appropriate assistance agreements. Mutual aid agreements should reflect CBRNE events. Goal 3: UA jurisdictions will equip first responders and specialized response teams for a CBRNE event. This includes a detailed assessment and prioritization of equipment and training needed to respond to a CBRNE event. Goal 3: UA jurisdictions will equip first responders and specialized response teams for a CBRNE event. This includes a detailed assessment and prioritization of equipment and training needed to respond to a CBRNE event. Goal 4: The UA must have a coordinated regional strategy for protecting its critical facilitates and infrastructure to prevent and/or mitigate against CBRNE incidents at those facilities. We are required to define and develop an inventory of critical public facilities within the UA. Goal 4: The UA must have a coordinated regional strategy for protecting its critical facilitates and infrastructure to prevent and/or mitigate against CBRNE incidents at those facilities. We are required to define and develop an inventory of critical public facilities within the UA.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANT APPORVAL PORTLAND JURISDICTIONS STRATEGIC PLAN UASI GRANT cont’d Goal 5: The UA will have a robust and integrated communication infrastructure, including voice and data, to support the regional strategy for preventing, responding to and recovery from CBRNE incidents. We must develop an interoperability communication plan for the UA. Goal 5: The UA will have a robust and integrated communication infrastructure, including voice and data, to support the regional strategy for preventing, responding to and recovery from CBRNE incidents. We must develop an interoperability communication plan for the UA. Goal 6: The UA will pursue a high level of CBRNE training for its emergency response personnel. The UA must establish a training baseline which addresses Awareness, Performance (Defensive/Offensive), and plan and manage training, response and resources to a CBRNE event across all levels of emergency responders. Goal 6: The UA will pursue a high level of CBRNE training for its emergency response personnel. The UA must establish a training baseline which addresses Awareness, Performance (Defensive/Offensive), and plan and manage training, response and resources to a CBRNE event across all levels of emergency responders. Goal 7: UA jurisdictions will conduct/participate in CBRNE exercises to test and evaluate UA plans, agreements, equipment and training. Goal 7: UA jurisdictions will conduct/participate in CBRNE exercises to test and evaluate UA plans, agreements, equipment and training. Goal 8: UA jurisdictions will have the ability to investigate CBRNE threats/incidents, to share lawfully collected and maintained information related to CBRNE threats, and to gather and evaluate CBRNE public health surveillance data. Goal 8: UA jurisdictions will have the ability to investigate CBRNE threats/incidents, to share lawfully collected and maintained information related to CBRNE threats, and to gather and evaluate CBRNE public health surveillance data.
CITY OF PORTLAND GRANT APPROVAL PROCESS Federal and State Grant Approval- currently approved for UASI 03. Expect approval for UASI 04, ODP 04 and ODP 02 by April 30, General Requirements for UASI -03/04 and ODP 02 & 04: General Requirements for UASI -03/04 and ODP 02 & 04: Pending State / Federal approval- UASI 04 and ODP 02 & 04 Pending State / Federal approval- UASI 04 and ODP 02 & 04 City Council approval to accept grant awards- pending City Council approval to accept grant awards- pending IGA’s and inter-bureau agreements with five UASI counties and City Bureaus- pending (City Attorney) IGA’s and inter-bureau agreements with five UASI counties and City Bureaus- pending (City Attorney) IGA’s and inter-bureau agreements: IGA’s and inter-bureau agreements: 1) define process for procurement and reimbursement and 2) agree to participate in the National, State and local strategic and CBRNE planning 2) agree to participate in the National, State and local strategic and CBRNE planning Exemptions to State Procurement Rules- requires City Council approval Exemptions to State Procurement Rules- requires City Council approval
PROCUREMENT PROCESS Individual jurisdiction and bureau will purchase equipment and apply for ODP approved training through a “Central Buyer”. The Central Buyer is a full time position dedicated to POEM and is housed in the Office of Purchasing. Individual jurisdiction and bureau will purchase equipment and apply for ODP approved training through a “Central Buyer”. The Central Buyer is a full time position dedicated to POEM and is housed in the Office of Purchasing. Each bureau and jurisdiction will work with a team consisting of: Bureau Liaison, Purchasing, Grant’s Office, POEM Grants Compliance Officer, and potentially a “Loaned Executive” from the National Guard. Each bureau and jurisdiction will work with a team consisting of: Bureau Liaison, Purchasing, Grant’s Office, POEM Grants Compliance Officer, and potentially a “Loaned Executive” from the National Guard. Purchasing- The Central Buyer will work with each bureau, working group and jurisdiction to purchase equipment under UASI 03/04 and ODP 02 & 04. Purchasing- The Central Buyer will work with each bureau, working group and jurisdiction to purchase equipment under UASI 03/04 and ODP 02 & 04. POEM liaisons, Working Group Chairs and bureau representatives will provide specifications to the Central Buyer. The Central Buyer will verify specifications and use City and State purchasing rules to procure equipment. Central Buyer will arrange for bids, selection of vendor, specified equipment, purchases, and delivery. POEM liaisons, Working Group Chairs and bureau representatives will provide specifications to the Central Buyer. The Central Buyer will verify specifications and use City and State purchasing rules to procure equipment. Central Buyer will arrange for bids, selection of vendor, specified equipment, purchases, and delivery. Grants Compliance Office coordinate state and federal requirements for reimbursement of purchases and training. Grants Compliance Office coordinate state and federal requirements for reimbursement of purchases and training.