Phoenix Union High School District Governing Board Policy In-Service Outside Employment & Disclosure 2014/2015 School Year
G-6150 & G-9350 All District Employees A full-time employee’s position shall be given precedence over any type of outside work or self-employment An employee may not perform any duties related to outside work or self-employment during regular District working hours or during the additional time needed to fulfill the responsibilities of the District position.
G-6150 & G-9350 All District Employees May carry on outside work or self-employment projects as long as: –No District facilities, equipment or school(s) are used (unless rented according to policy) –Outside work or self-employment does not interfere with the employees’ performance of District-assigned duties
G-6150 & G-9350 All District Employees Governing Board concerns: –Prevents an employee from performing assigned responsibilities in effective manner. –Be prejudicial to effectiveness in an employees’ position or compromise the District –Conflict of interest
G-6300 TUTORING FOR PAY Requires prior written authorization from the Superintendent School buildings are not to be used for private tutoring for which students pay a fee to a staff member. Staff members are not permitted to provide tutoring for pay to any student who attends or is registered in any of the staff members’ own classes (except music) –Principal shall ensure equal opportunity is provided to each student in music department where teacher is providing tutoring or private lessons
Please locate & sign the enclosed form