OBLITERATE obliterate (verb): to remove or destroy, eliminate, eradicate Many buildings were obliterated after the tornado passed through the town.
AUGUST august (adjective): admiration, majestic, dignified, noble I was honored to be in the king’s august presence.
PERPETUITY perpetuity (noun): time without end, infinity We often desire happiness in perpetuity.
PALLID pallid (adjective): pale, colorless, ashen We could tell she was sick by her pallid appearance.
VANQUISHED vanquished (verb): conquer, defeat, subdue He vanquished his fear of heights when he finally decided to get on the plane.
VINDICATE vindicate (verb): justify, prove correct His honor was vindicated when they found him not guilty.
CIRCUMVENT circumvent (verb): avoid, get around, evade She was circumventing the real issue by talking about the weather.
RANCID rancid (adjective): having a rank, unpleasant stale smell or taste as through decomposition; especially of fats or oils After finding a container that was lodged in the back of the refrigerator, I did not open it because of the rancid smell.