Warm Up March 2 nd, )Viruses are non-_______. They also will attack and use other organisms to reproduce. What good could a virus do? 2)What is a bacteriophage (hint: type of virus)? 3)How does your immune system fight viruses? What is so problematic about AIDS/HIV?
Bill Nye – Germs
Virus* - Non-living particles made of either DNA or RNA and a protein coat. - Need a host to reproduce. - Invade cells and use them to reproduce viruses, killing the cell. - Disease from viruses account for most illness in humans.
G: German measles H: Hand, foot & mouth disease Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Herpes Virus(Herpesviridae) Herpes Simplex Virus Infection Herpes Zoster Virus (Shingles) Human Papilloma Virus Associated Epidermal Lesions Human Papilloma Virus in Cervical Cancer I: Infectious Mononucleosis Influenza J: Japanese Encephalitis K: Kaposi Sarcoma Korean Hemorrhagic Fever Kyasanur Forest Disease L: Lassa Fever Lymphocytic choriomeningitis M: Marburg Virus Disease Measles Molluscum Contagiosum Mumps Murray Valley encephalitis N: Norwalk Virus related Diarrhea O: Omsk hemorrhagic fever Orthomyxoviruses P: Parainfluenza Virus Infection Paramyxovirus Parvovirus B19 Infection Picornavirus Poxviruses German measles Hand, foot & mouth disease Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Herpes Virus(Herpesviridae) Herpes Simplex Virus Infection Herpes Zoster Virus (Shingles) Human Papilloma Virus Associated Epidermal Lesions Human Papilloma Virus in Cervical Cancer Infectious Mononucleosis Influenza Japanese Encephalitis Kaposi Sarcoma Korean Hemorrhagic Fever Kyasanur Forest Disease Lassa Fever Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Marburg Virus Disease Measles Molluscum Contagiosum Mumps Murray Valley encephalitis Norwalk Virus related Diarrhea Omsk hemorrhagic fever Orthomyxoviruses Parainfluenza Virus Infection Paramyxovirus Parvovirus B19 Infection Picornavirus Poxviruses A: Adenovirus AIDS: Cutaneous lesion IDS related malignant tumours Alphaviruses causing Encephalitis Arenavirus Argentine hemorrhagic fever Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) B: Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever C: Chickenpox Chikungunya Coxsackievirus Infection Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Cytomegalovirus infection D: Dengue Fever E: Eastern equine encephalitis Ebola Virus Infection Echovirus Infection Epstein-Barr Virus infection Epstein-Barr Virus Epstein-Barr Virus Tumors F: Fifth Disease Filovirus Flavivirus R: Rabies Respiratory syncytial virus infection Rift Valley Fever Rotavirus diarrhea Rubella Rubeola S: Smallpox St. Louis Encephalitis T: Tick-borne Encephalitis V: Varicella Variola Venezuelan equine encephalitis Viral hemorrhagic fevers Viruses in Leukemia and Lymphoma W: Western equine encephalitis West Nile Virus disease Y: Yellow Fever Rabies Respiratory syncytial virus infection Rift Valley Fever Rotavirus diarrhea Rubella Rubeola Smallpox St. Louis Encephalitis Tick-borne Encephalitis Varicella Variola Venezuelan equine encephalitis Viral hemorrhagic fevers Viruses in Leukemia and Lymphoma Western equine encephalitis West Nile Virus disease Yellow Fever
Chicken Pox -Fairly benign -Only get once in your life (body produces antibodies) -Can lead to ‘Shingles’ later in life.
Chicken Pox - Varicella Chicken Pox Shingles
Rabies -Affects brain and central spine. -A classic rabies sign in animals is if they become unafraid of humans (wild). Bats most likely to give you rabies. -Humans become comatose after getting rabies if not treated (followed by death), there is no zombie rabies biting going on.
Dengue Fever – Breakbone Fever -Spread by mosquitoes. Most effective way to stop it, is not get bit by mosquitoes…. -Signs are a skin rash similar to measles. -Serious cases can cause death from bleeding and lower blood cell counts. Most common in tropical locations (Pacific islands, Latin America).
Dengue Fever – Breakbone Fever
Why are else are VIRUSES so dangerous? 1.They can lie and wait for days, weeks, even years before springing to action. 2.Once you’re infected, they spend most of their time HIDDEN INSIDE your cells. 3.They not only are in your cells, but their instructions can mess up YOUR genetic DNA = CANCER!. 4.There’s a lot of different viruses out there. 5.Anything that can kill BACTERIA is dangerous; those specific viruses are called Bacteriophages!