Journal 11/15 Have you tried to manage stress any differently lately? What is one way that you could manage your time better?
Video Clip Teen Stress Video Clip
Causes Family Friends School Moving Death Health Lack of Sleep Too much to do Everyone has their own personal stressors
Effects Change in Appetite Change in Sleep Patterns Change in Attitude Alcohol/Drug Use Anxiety Irritability Excessive Anger Head Aches Stomach Pains Chest Pain Obesity When Developing- permanent emotional issues Lack of Focus
How to Deal Find out the Cause Exercise Laugh Time Management Sleep Eat Well Avoid Stressful Situations Deep Breathing Limit Internet and Cell Phone Use Spend some Time Alone Listen to Soothing Music Take a Warm Bath/Shower
Priorities and Time Management Priorities- The most important things that should be taken care of or given attention first Time Management- Planning so that all of your activities, priorities, and things of importance are all completed when and how they should be
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 7:00 AM School and work Sleep 7:30 AMWork in office Sleep 8:00 AMWork in office Sleep 8:30 AMTeach 1 st Hour Sleep 9:00 AMPrep Go for a run 9:30 AMPrep Run 10:00 AMTeach 3 rd Hour 10:30 AMTeach 3 rd Hour 11:00 AMTeach 4 th Hour 11:30 AMLunch 12:00 PMTeach 5 th Hour 12:30 PMTeach 5 th Hour 1:00 PMTeach 6 th Hour 1:30 PMTeach 6 th Hour 2:00 PM ISS Duty in Office 2:30 PM ISS Duty in Office 3:00 PMWork in Office 3:30 PMPlan Health 4:00 PM Go to Rec Center Parent Teacher Conferences PlanPTC Drive Home 4:30 PMWork outPTCPlanPTCDrive 5:00 PMWork outPTCPlanPTCDrive 5:30 PMWork outPTCWork OutPTCDrive 6:00 PM Go Back to School PTCWork OutPTCDrive 6:30 PMWork on PlansPTCWork OutPTCArrive Home 7:00 PM Volleyball in Mankato PTCVolleyballPTCDinner 7:30 PMVolleyballPTCVolleyballPTCMovie 8:00 PMDrive HomePTCVolleyballDrive HomeMovie 8:30 PMDinnerDrive HomeVolleyballDinnerMovie 9:00 PM Go online/watch tv Dinner Drive Home/Dinner PTC 9:30 PMShower 10:00 PMGo to sleepGo to Sleep
Goals for Managing Stress Personal SMART Goal to Manage Your Personal Stress Due next health class- Make sure to follow: S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Realistic T-Timely
If you have any work you haven’t gotten in or have been absent, don’t forget to get it in and/or ask me for help if needed!!!!!