Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SOCIETY STATISTICS IN LITHUANIA SURVEY ON ICT USAGE IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTIONS Gediminas SAMUOLIS Statistics Lithuania Gedimino av. 29, Lithuania
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May Survey on ICT usage in Lithuanian public administration institution Annual survey from 2003 until 2005 Since 2006 – biannual survey Traditional Timeline Preparing questionnaire: November – December Information about inclusion in survey: end of December Send out and reminders: February - March Dataset/editing, analysis: March Publication: first - end of April, main tables – May, yearly publication - October
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May Survey design: Electronic questionnaire with possibility print and fill paper version Addressed to the ICT managers Mandatory Response rate: 96-97% Census survey: directly – about 400 institutions and almost 700 institutions (institution subunits, urban and district subdivisions of institutions) – indirectly (data included in reports of responding institutions). Coverage: institutions with 10+ employees, NACE Rev. 2 economic activity – section O) Design principles: modular structure allowing features to be updated most questions based on YES/NO, some - percentage (employees using PC, internet) respondent burden minimized by use of filter questions
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May The questionnaire: Modules based on Eurostat model questionnaire: A: Use of computers and computer networks B: Access and use of the Internet National additions: Employees working with PC, the Internet; The methods of implementation of administrative services Information presented on institutions’ websites; Availability e-government services; E-security.
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May National additions - 1 Questions on ICT availability: Number of computers in institution Number of employees using PC Number of computers with internet connections Number of employees using internet Number of ICT specialist ICT systems (based on previous enterprise surveys): Internal computer network (e.g. LAN - Local Area Network) Internal home page (e.g. Intranet) Document Management System ERP software package Application for managing information about clients (so called CRM)
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May National additions - 2 The methods of implementation of administrative services: Direct communication By post Through a call center By phone By mobile phone By Internet telephony (e.g. Skype) By Via a website Via Internet social networks (e.g. Facebook) Information on institutions’ websites (what can be found on the website) Structure and contacts Information about the institution’s activity Relevant news related to the institution’s activity Information about services Consulting services via website
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May National additions - 3 Level of e-government services provided via the Internet 1 level: provide information on services offered 2 level: offer a possibility to download forms 3 level: offer a possibility to return filled out forms 4 level: offer a possibility to perform administrative procedures electronically, without additional paperwork 5 level: e-services using previous registration of the user (without repeated data entry, automatically using the information already available)
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May Potential questions (2 part) E-security module Internal security facilities a) Virus checking or protection software b) Firewalls (software or hardware) c) Secure servers (support secured protocols such as https) d) Off-site data backup 2. Communication with institution using the following security facilities a) Electronic digital signature as customer's authentication mechanism b) Other authentication mechanism (e.g. PIN code) c) Data encryption for confidentiality 3. Time of update any of its security facilities (include automatic updates). 4. Encountered ICT related security problems in the last 12 months: a) Computer virus, worm or trojan attack resulting in loss of information or working time b) Unauthorised access to enterprise computer systems or data c) Blackmail or threats to the enterprise data or software
Armenia Twinning 2011 Component F – Information Society, 2 – 6 May THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION ! Gediminas Samuolis Statistics Lithuania Gedimino av. 29, Lithuania