ACCRA Who we are, what we do and where we work. Why should you be interested? How can you contribute?
CCA and Africa Another layer of complexity to existing development challenges. Implications for humanitarian and development interventions. Agricultural production and food security likely to be severely compromised by climate change and climate variability (high confidence). 50% reduction in yield by 2020, and crop net revenues could fall by as much as 90% by About 25% of Africa’s population (about 200 million people) currently experience high water stress. The population at risk of increased water stress in Africa is projected to be between million people by Interest in developing country governments. Interest from key donors. ACCRA seeks to feed into debate and practice.
‘The property of a system to adjust its characteristics or behaviour, in order to expand its coping range under existing climate variability, or future climate conditions.’ (UNDP, 2005) ‘The potential of individuals, communities, and societies to be actively involved in the processes of change, in order to minimize negative impacts and maximize any benefits from changes in the climate.’ Oxfam GB Adaptive capacity
Summary of Climate Change Adaptation Examples of generic measures to reduce vulnerability: Promotion of minimum wage to reduce vulnerability. Cash transfers and social insurance to contribute to poverty reduction and reduce vulnerability. Livelihoods diversification to spread risk. Increased power in markets to increase income. Reforestation to protect embankments, reduce local temperatures, and provide food and fodder in times of scarcity. Examples of measures for specific impacts: Increased heat: Drought resistant crops. Increased risk of floods: district level contingency plans; PCVA, Early Warning Systems; stockpiling. Decreased and unpredictable rain: appropriate forecasts, crop diversification, farming techniques that reduce crop water needs. Working at community level and with national institutions Measures to generically reduce vulnerability and specific measures for total risks: Livelihoods and agriculture Social Protection DRR Natural resource management
Adaptive capacity: is forward looking; focuses on process that enables us to move to a climate smart system; supports development practitioners to move away from a ‘business-as-usual’ approach to thinking about impact of CC on development; Has a long-term perspective.
Ethiopia Uganda Mozambique
ACCRA’s objectives 1.To understand how existing social protection, livelihoods and disaster risk reduction projects by ACCRA members build adaptive capacity to climate change in beneficiaries, and how these approaches can be strengthened. 2.To use the findings to influence donors, development partners and civil society to improve future planning/action. 3.To work together with local and national governments to build capacity to implement interventions which can build communities’ adaptive capacity. 4.To encourage learning across countries, disciplines and organisations.
What ACCRA will do Capacity building/advocacyResearch and learning Support poor communities’ ability to adapt to adapt to climate hazards, variability and change. Evidence-based action by humanitarian and development actors: Donors, NGOs, Governments
Key questions to frame our research 1.How are different livelihood groups currently affected by climate variability / change? 2.What is currently happening in existing projects that is helping to increase the adaptive capacity of systems to climate change? 3.What is missing – within reasonable limits – in current projects that would enhance adaptive capacity?
The Local Adaptive Capacity Framework Conceptual basis for ACCRA’s research. Options to use it going forward: –devising indicators for M&E; –to guide the design of a project, or a suite of projects; –to inform or assess government and NGO policies and strategies. ACCRA is currently exploring these. ACCRA will look for opportunities to develop these partnerships, and others beyond the consortium. LACf aims to inform policy and development interventions.
Working with governments ACCRA will work closely with local governments in each country, seeking to involve them in the development of the research framework, the research process and validation of the findings. ACCRA will carry out capacity gap analyses with local governments in each country and undertake capacity building activities. This will inform future work on building governments’ capacity on CCA. ACCRA has carried out reviews on the policy context and key actors in each country to inform our work.
Working with ACCRA members and others Consortium is operational in each country. Involved in the development of research approach and research itself. Disseminating learning and best practice from ACCRA members’ work. Encouraging others to change practice or policies based on findings.
Why should you be interested? Lack of evidence about what are the most effective interventions to promote adaptive capacity – ACCRA is practical. Growing consensus that joint work across different fields is required to respond to these challenges, not yet reflected in the policy, practice or research priorities of governments and other development actors. Despite policy commitments in many African countries and experience from development actors, governments lack the capacity to implement adaptation and DRR activities in ways that involve and benefit the most vulnerable. Seeking to build trust and dialogue between government and NGOs – in case of Ethiopia.
How can you be involved? Share information on your own work – we’re keen to link up with others. Feed in your information to us. Feed our messages/findings into your work as they emerge. Share your views on the LACf. Learn from research and think about your own practice.
Contacts Jo Lofthouse, International Programme Coordinator: Simon Levine, ODI lead: Samuel Maibasse, Mozambique coordinator: ACCRA Margaret Barihaihi, Uganda ACCRA coordinator: Kirsty Wilson, Ethiopia ACCRA coordinator