Student Services
Who is Student Services?
Assistants Mrs. Lori FreeseMs. Heather DeVries RHS Class of 2010
Counselors Mrs. Cari Franz last names A-G Mr. Jim Gyori last names H-O Mrs. Gina Castellano last names P-Z
Social Worker Mrs. Kathleen Leynes
Interns Ms. Stacey Griffith Counseling Intern Ms. Justyna Kapustka School Social Work Intern Ms. Agnes Stankiewicz School Social Work Intern
What does Student Services do? Registration Individual appointments via Schedule Once Academic advising Course registration College field trips College applications Scholarship applications Financial Aid advising Career exploration PSAT/ACT/AP Testing Interpersonal counseling Ridgewood Assistance Program Home/Hospitalbound Coordination McKinney Vento Coordination
Contact us! Jen Snyder, LCSW Director of Student Services , x Lori Freese Student Services Assistant , x Cari Franz Counselor: last names A-G , x Jim Gyori Counselor: last names H-O , x.1244 Gina Castellano Counselor: last names P-Z , x Kathleen Leynes Social Worker , x. 1283