8.3b Explain the development of the war in Vietnam and its impact on American government and politics, including the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the policies of the Johnson administration, protests and opposition to the war, the role of the media, the policies of the Nixon administration, and the growing credibility gap that culminated in the Watergate scandal.
President Nixon and the End of U.S. Involvement ► Richard Nixon was elected president in November of 1968 because voters understood that he would end the war. ► ***Nixon unable to admit that the war could not be won ► Instead, he ***began a policy of ‘Vietnamization’ or slowing turning the fighting over to the South Vietnamese and to gain leverage in the peace talks, Nixon renewed bombing of North Vietnam and started a secret massive bombing of Cambodia and Laos. He did not expect this to win the war but to provide leverage. ► He ended the draft and replaced it with the lottery system, which somewhat calmed the protest movement.
Pres. Richard Nixon
► American forces invaded Cambodia to close the Ho Chi Minh Trail ► This resulted in more protests and consequently the Kent State Massacre ► Nixon opened a dialogue with China in hopes undermining Chinese support for North Vietnam ► Nixon finally reached an agreement with North Vietnam on the eve of the 1972 elections. ► ***American forces were withdrawn and American POWs returned home in 1973 ► ***In 1975, Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese and the war was over. ► ***The containment policy had failed in Southeast Asia
US POWs being returned home
US Air Force pilot held captive by a young girl
US Senator John McCain in hospital bed after 7 year imprisonment
Vietnam a Cultural Phenomenon ► The meaning of Vietnam is bigger than the failed war effort and ***loss of 58,000 American soldiers ► It was a cultural phenomenon that called into question American values in the My Lai Massacre, the use of Agent Orange and napalm, “fragging”, the heavy use of drugs among the troops, and the mistreatment of returning veterans. ► It led to distrust between generations and the between the people and their government. This was highlighted in the Pentagon Papers
The Pentagon Papers ► In 1971 the New York Times began publishing portions of the Pentagon Papers which increase the “credibility gap” ► A study by Secretary of Defense McNamara revealed that the executive branch had lied to the American people about Vietnam by undertaking secret military operations that were unapproved by Congress. This led to the passage of: ► ***War Powers Act of If the President deploys troops he must notify Congress within 48 hours. If Congress does not approve than troops must be withdrawn within 60 days. Reversed the Power of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Effects of the War ► ***26th Amendment- Made 18 the voting age. Many people believed that if you could die for your country you should have a voice in whether or not you are sent. ► It was controversy over the war that led Nixon to authorize the Watergate break-in. ► This break-in led to the Watergate Scandal, impeachment hearings, and Nixon’s resignation ► The ***“Vietnam Syndrome”, fear of becoming mired in a prolonged unpopular war, affected US foreign policy.
Impact on Southeast Asia ► After South Vietnam fell, many South Vietnamese were imprisoned and underwent “re-education”. ► This led to an exodus of boat people ► The government of Cambodia became unstable. ► This led to civil war and the massacre of civilians by the Khmer Rouge.