4-year project “Demonstration and Application of Production and Utilization Technologies for Rattan Sustainable Development in the ASEAN Member Countries” Implemented by the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB), Philippines
Collaborators: College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños (CFNR-UPLB) Forest Products Research and Development Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FPRDI-DOST) Funded by: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Japan Supposed to be completed in March 2010 but was extended until this conference.
Addressed needs/concerns raised during Regional Conference on Rattan in Asia held in Manila, in Aimed to generate necessary information on the impacts of rattan production and utilization technologies particularly at the community level, to conduct studies on different aspects of rattan development, and to undertake training to upgrade skills of various stakeholders, and establish data/information network on rattan in the ASEAN region.
Composed of 5 major components, namely: o Pilot demonstration o Training o Research o Networking o Database
Culminating activity of the project. Provides venue for sharing successful strategies especially on pilot demonstration establishment involving communities, villages and government agencies; Venue for presenting and discussing the outputs of the 8 research studies under the Rattan Research Grant Program (RRGP). Provides opportunity to present the strength and weaknesses in the project implementation, insights and experiences.
Presentation of outputs and experiences on rattan pilot demonstration establishment: o Cambodia o Indonesia o Lao PDR o Myanmar o Philippines o Thailand o Vietnam
Discussion of sustainability of rattan plantations established by the project Determination of action plans for future collaboration with other rattan producers and consumers. Launching of A Guide to Philippine Rattans and The ASEAN Rattans will also be the highlight of the conference.
ASEAN Contact Persons on pilot demonstration establishment, namely: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam will present papers on the successful strategies and achievements in their respective countries. Project Leaders from the Philippines (4), Indonesia (2), Malaysia (1) and Vietnam (1). PSC Members Collaborators Other institutions