2. Others try to convey certain emotions. convey vt. 表达,传达(思想,感情等) I can’t convey my feelings in words. Please convey my best wishes to your parents. 传送,运送,输送.


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Presentation transcript:

2. Others try to convey certain emotions. convey vt. 表达,传达(思想,感情等) I can’t convey my feelings in words. Please convey my best wishes to your parents. 传送,运送,输送 This train conveys over 300 passengers every day. Pipes convey hot water from this boiler to every part of the building.

4. run out of; run out; use up; give out run out of / use up v.t. (某人)用完(某物) We are running out of water. They have used up their money. run out / give out v.i. (某物)用完,不多了 His strength ran out. Our money will give out.

6. await vt. 等待 (=wait for) I await your decision. They are anxiously awaiting the result. A surprise awaited her. 和 wait for 的意思基本相同,日常口语中用 wait for 时 较多, await 稍文气一点, await 后只能跟名词或代词, wait 后可以跟不定式 I’m awaiting the news of the exam with great impatience. Better wait for the clumsy child to catch up. The detective is waiting to have a word with you.

7. transform vt. 把 … 变为 ( 改造成 ) ,使变了样, ( 指人、 物在性质或形态上发生彻底或基本的变化 ) 那是能够彻底改变我一生的一件事。 It was an event that would transform my life. His marriage has transformed him. transform + sb./sth. into + n. He transformed the garage into a sitting-room. Water can transform a desert into a garden. 8. appropriate adj. 合适的,恰当的 Jeans are not appropriate for a formal occasion. Write in a style appropriate to your subject.

10. To hold on winter mornings hold on 坚持下去;(电话)别挂断,等一下 Hold on until rescue arrives. I made my choice and I will hold on to the end. The line is busy. Please hold on a minute. hold on to 抓住不放;保持,不要放弃 / 卖掉 Hold on to my hand while crossing the street. Let’s hold on to those old photographs----they may be valuable.

12. let out 发出(叫声) He let out a cry of pain as the nail went into his feet. 泄露 ( 机密 ), 透露 = give away I’ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out. 出租 He lets out his car on hire. (把衣服)放大,放长 Tom’s mother had to let out his trousers because Tom is growing so tall. School lets out at 3 o’clock. 放学

15. exchange exchange A for B He exchange his old car for a new model as soon as he got money. exchange sth with sb They often exchange ideas / information with each other. in exchange for I gave Mary a pie in exchange for my favorite yogurt.