Bellwork Sept. 30, 2015-Copy and answer.
Standard/I can ELAGSE7L1: Demonstrate commands of standard English grammar and usage when writing. ELAGSE7RL10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiency, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. ELAGSE7W10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks, purposes and audiences. I can write a response for a specific task.
Hook/Mini Lesson (15 minutes…that’s it). The Giver Quiz 2 over Ch Retest Instructions: Using the back of the quiz, answer the questions you missed. You may use the novel to answer. Hints: 6. How are the family units made? How do you get a spouse (husband/wife)? How do you get children? 9. Look in Chapter 6. The story has to do with someone who was unhappy with their assignment. Asher tells Jonas the story.
Work Session- The Giver by Lois Lowry 1.Read Chapter 13, pgs Work on reading questions while you read. 3. Extension: Write a poem about color. (Directions on the next slide)
POETRY EXAMPLE– Sensory Imagery: List 1: What things LOOK green? Grass, apples, markers List 2: What things SOUND green? Lawnmower, music, sigh List 3: What things SMELL green? Grass, rain, crayons, List 4: How does green FEEL? Warm, cool, soft, velvety List 5: What makes YOU FEEL green? Envy, illness, spring List 6: What things TASTE green? Candy, vegetables, pesto List 7: What EXPERIENCES or IDEAS seem green? Renewal, beginning, envy List 8: Can you think of green PLACES? Garden, forest, swamp Green Green is apples, markers, and cool. Green is the taste of vegetables. Green smells like grass and rain. Green makes me feel envious. Green is the sound of a lawnmower and a sigh. Green is a garden, forest, and a swamp. Green is renewal. Green is beginning again. Green is spring. Choose your favorite color and write your own color poem using the example outline. Illustrate your poem.
Closing Share poems.