Grid Drawings
How does a grid help with accuracy in drawing? Think-Pair-Share How does a grid help with accuracy in drawing?
Key Term Grid Drawing- drawing a grid over your reference photo, and then drawing a grid of equal ratio on your paper. Then you draw the image on your canvas, focusing on one square at a time, until the entire image has been transferred.
Grid Drawing Using a grid helps to simplify the proportions and shapes of a desired picture.
Why a Grid? It is easy to learn. Helps train the eye in the matter of proportion.
Key Term Proportion- describes the size, location or amount of one element to another (or to the whole) in a work.
Chuck Close Famous grid artist Photo realist painter Life was filled with tragedy at a young age. Confined to a wheelchair.
Close’s Gridding Process Starts with a gridded photograph. Transfers the scaled grid onto canvas. Always starts in the corner of the canvas.
Examples Big Self Portrait Chuck Close 1967 Pencil
Examples Abbildung 8: Leslie Chuck Close 1973 Painting
Examples Lucas 11 Chuck Close 1987 Painting
Video Video: Chuck Close on Following the Grid
How to Grid Draw Select your photo that has 1” squares on it.
How to Grid Draw Grid your drawing paper so it is 2” by 2”. Make sure it is in the same direction as your photo.
How to Grid Draw When working on one square, it helps to break it down further to see where lines intersect and where the details should go.
Types of Grid Drawing There are two different kinds of grid drawing: Grid at a Time Outline Drawing
Grid at a Time Focus solely on one square at a time. Draw and shade everything perfectly before moving on to the next square.
Outline Drawing Focus solely on getting the major lines and details first. Then go back and complete the shading.