Steps For Removal Of Red Eye In A Photo Using Photoshop CS4 Randy White ETAD 803 June 2015
Step 1: Start Photoshop.
Step 2: Open your photo with the redeye.
Step 3: Choose the magnifying glass icon from the tool bar on the left side. Hold your mouse button down and draw a box around the affected eye with red eye. This will zoom in on the red eye.
Step 4: On the tool bar on the left side, hold your mouse button down on the “healing brush tool”. It looks like a band aid. Select the “red eye tool” icon.
Step 5: At the top, just below the menu bar, you will see a place to adjust “pupil size” and “darken amount”. Begin with changing “Pupil Size” to 25% and “Darken Amount” to 25%. Or try different settings.
Step 6: Click your mouse on the affected eye.
Step 7: Select on the “magnifying glass” from the tool bar on the left, then select “Fit screen” at the top of the page. This will zoom out to allow you to see how the “fixed” eye looks.
Step 8: If you are unhappy with how the eye now looks, click on “Edit” on the top menu bar and then select “Undo”. Return to step 3.step 3 If happy, continue on to next step.
Step 9: If you are happy with how the eye now looks, use the magnifying glass tool again and draw a box around the remaining red eye.
Step 10: Select the “red eye tool” again from the tool bar on the left and click on the remaining affected eye. Finally, click “File” and then “Save” to save your photo without red eye.
Congratulations You have successfully eliminated red eye. Please refer to this presentation any time you need to remove red eye.