29/Jul/2009 Young Hoon Park
M.Bellare, D.Micciancio, B.Warinschi, Foundations of Group Signatures: Formal Definitions, Simplified Requirements, and a Construction based on General Assumptions (Eurocrypt ’03) B.K.Chaurasia, S.Verma, S.M.Bhasker, Message broadcast in VANETs using Group Signature (IEEE WCSN ’08) X.Sun, X.Lin, P.H.Ho, Secure Vehicular Communications Based on Group Signature and ID-based Signature Scheme (IEEE, ICC ’07)
Simple solution: give all users same private key … … but, extra requirements: ◦ Ability to revoke signers when needed. ◦ Tracing Authority Key Issuer User 1 User 2 Is sig from user 1 or 2? msg sig
D. Chaum and E. van Heyst. [EC ’91] N. Baric and B. Pfitzman [EC ’97] G. Ateniese, J. Camenisch, M. Joye, G. Tsudik [EC ’00] J. Camenisch and A. Lysyanskaya. [Cr ’02] G. Ateniese, D. Song, and G. Tsudik [FC ’02] M. Bellare, D. Micciancio, and B. Warinschi [EC ’03]
Basic: tracing, but no revocation (static groups). Group sig system consists of four algorithms: ◦ Setup(, n) : = sec param. n = #users. output: group-pub-key ( GPK ), ( GSK 1, …, GSK n ), group-tracing key ( GTK ) ◦ Sign(M, GSK i ) : outputs group signature on M. ◦ Verify(M, , GPK) : outputs yes or no. ◦ Trace(M, , GTK) : outputs i {1,…,n} or fail.
Applications ◦ Trusted Computing ◦ Vehicle Safety Communication Issues ◦ Revocation Mechanism ◦ Traceability
Type 0 ◦ For each revocation event, generate new GPK. ◦ Give each unrevoked user its new private key. Type 1 ◦ For each revocation event, send a short broadcast message RL to all signers and all verifiers. (GPK old, RL) GPK new (GSK i, old, RL) GSK i, new Type 2 ◦ For each revocation, send RL to verifiers only. Verify(GPK, (m, ), RL)
Type 0 ◦ No tracing possible Type 1 ◦ Given a black box signing device, can identify at least one number of coalition that created device. Type 2 ◦ Given a signature, can identify at least one number of coalition that created signature.
Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork The main goal is providing safety and comfort for passengers Major components ◦ Road Side Units(RSUs) are located in the critical points of the road. communicates with vehicles. ◦ On Board Units(OBUs) The communication devices on the vehicles
Message spoofing Message replay attack Integrity attack Impersonation attack Denial of service Movement tracking
Integrity and source authentication Vehicle anonymity RSU ID Exposure Vehicle ID Traceability Efficiency Robustness
RSU does not need anonymity Hence, the public key based digital signatures are used. Message format for RSU
The main challenge of communications is contradiction between anonymity and traceability. The straightforward solutions ◦ Anonymous certificate ◦ Signatures should be saved in the central manager. Problems ◦ It is difficult to maintain. ◦ It is inefficient to trace back to the real identities. Proposed solution ◦ Using group signature (RSA based)
Key setup ◦ Group manager’s private key : only GM knows. ◦ Group public key : shared to all members. Membership registration ◦ Make individual private key Shared to each member and GM ◦ Generate and send the user public key. private key Individual, Group public key
Signing ◦ Message is signed with not only user’s private key, but also public key and group public key Verification ◦ Signed message can be verified with group public key. ◦ Only group member can verify ◦ Only group member’s signature can be verified. Recover ◦ Performed by the group manager. ◦ After the operation, the sender’s public key is revealed.
Membership revocation ◦ The examples of the case The vehicle is compromised ID and private keys are identified by the law authority. ◦ The group manager have to change the public key. ◦ Two ways of changing public key GM makes all unrevoked users update the new public key. Verifier Local Revocation
Average Delay ◦ Average Loss Ratio ◦
Group signature should provide not only the integrity of message and the anonymity, but also the traceability and member’s revocation. VANET is one of the applications of group signature to support vehicles’ security and privacy. However, algorithm of revocation should be developed for the efficiency.