At Holy Spirit Academy we will try our best to live up to God’s Law, and produce the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Goodness Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Obedience Self-Control Gentleness Generosity Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Love: I will love my neighbour.
Joy: I will be happy when others do well.
Peace: I will get along with my neighbour.
Patience: I will be patient with and help my neighbour.
Kindness: I will be kind to others and treat them the way I would like to be treated.
Obedience: I will obey God, my parents and my teachers in all that I do.
Gentleness: I will be gentle with others in my words and actions.
Self-Control: I will work to control myself in all that I do and say.
Goodness Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Obedience Self-Control Gentleness Generosity Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Gathering Food in the Spirit Sending it Out to Love and Serve