In the House of the Lord Lesson #12 – Song of Simeon and Benediction
Having received the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation in Holy Communion, we thank the Lord for gift of grace as we sing “Thank the Lord.” Throughout the worship service we have heard about peace from God: the pastor has announced the peace in the forgiveness of sins; we have joined with the angels in singing about peace on earth through the coming of Christ; and the pastor has proclaimed the peace of the Lord following the words of institution. We also prepare to depart in peace.
We hear one last assurance of God’s love and care as we receive His three-fold blessing in the benediction that ends the worship service. After receiving God’s assurance of peace and His promise of blessing, we cannot help but leave the worship service eager and excited to share this peace and blessing with others.
Peace with Jesus God’s eternal truth has an impact on our lives today. We’ve had a basic overview of God’s Word, and we’ve seen how the different doctrines are reflected in our worship service and in our confessions of faith. Most importantly, we’ve seen how each teaching is directly related to the person and work of Jesus Christ – our Savior.
Why is peace with God so vital to our lives as Christians?
The Scriptures speak of a peace that calms our troubled hearts, chases away all fears and allows us to sleep peacefully at night.
People are searching for peace. People think peace is the absence of trouble, tension and disaster. They feel that peace is the presence of safety, contentment and relief. Unfortunately, earthly “peace” will always change. Earthly peace is always short-lived. Where is the only place where true peace can be found?
Where is the only place where true peace can be found? The only true peace is found in Jesus Christ. He is the Prince of Peace. He grants us a peace unlike any other this world can offer.
What has Jesus done in order to grant us this peace with God?
We have been justified of and freed from our sins through the blood of Jesus. Through His life, death, and resurrection, we now have peace with our heavenly Father.
Now that we have been granted this peace through God’s grace, what do we want to do with this peace?
We are to proclaim this peace through Jesus. Just as the Father sent Jesus into this world to win peace, now Jesus is sending us, His disciples, out into the world to preach this peace.
Is sharing this message of peace going to be easy or readily accepted?
There are those, maybe even some who are close to us, who reject the way of salvation through Jesus. They oppose Christ and as a result oppose what we believe and live for.
Understanding the Task Ahead Discovering our purpose in the world is closely tied to understanding Jesus’ mission in this world. It was focused on people. What did Jesus see when he looked at poeple around him?
Understanding the Task Ahead Discovering our purpose in the world is closely tied to understanding Jesus’ mission in this world. It was focused on people. What did Jesus see when he looked at poeple around him? Jesus saw people who were lost and wandering – like sheep without a shepherd.
It is estimated that 4.5+ billion people in the world do not know Christ or do not claim to follow him. Who are those people? What are they like?
Look at the people around you. Who most needs to learn more about Jesus? Who are your friends who need Jesus?
Discuss what happens to those who do not know or follow Christ.
Discuss what happens to those who do not know or follow Christ. Those people who do not believe in Jesus are not saved. They are condemned. Salvation is found in no one else except for Jesus.
How does (should) this knowledge impact your concern or relationship with others?
How does (should) this knowledge impact your concern or relationship with others? Hopefully, this knowledge will cause you to see every person you meet as a precious soul that Jesus died to save – a precious soul that will not be in heaven without faith in Jesus as their Savior.
When Jesus first called Peter, Andrew, James and John (the fishermen), he said, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Jesus calls us to follow Him. Now what? Underline the commands and circle the promises of the mission Jesus gives to His followers. Then summarize what this means for our mission:
Describe the powerful tool Jesus has given us and how it further defines our purpose.
Describe the powerful tool Jesus has given us and how it further defines our purpose. God has given us his powerful word. The Holy Spirit will work through the Word of God that you share. All you have to do is testify to the truth by using God’s Word in your evangelism efforts. Everything else is left to the Holy Spirit.
Some Notes Regarding Telling Others About Jesus ●The law has to work first before people are ready to hear about Jesus. But remember, you have an advantage – God has written His law on the hearts of all people. ●Be aware of people going through big changes in life (i.e. an illness, a death, job loss, career move, marriage, birth of a child, etc.). Often God uses those events to awaken the conscience, reminding them of their sinfulness and their lack of a relationship with God.
●Be aware of people going through big changes in life (i.e. an illness, a death, job loss, career move, marriage, birth of a child, etc.). Often God uses those events to awaken the conscience, reminding them of their sinfulness and their lack of a relationship with God. ●Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:2: “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Keep the focus on Jesus, both our need for Him and what He has done for us.
●Often the best answer to objections is to simply say “Come and see,” like Philip did (John 1:46). ●Faith only happens in one way: hearing the message. Our goal is to get people in contact with the Word of God. If the person rejects the message, he’s not rejecting you – he’s rejecting God and His Word. On the other hand, if faith does happen, all the glory goes to God. We’re simply the messengers!
●Although we want to reach out to everyone, often the best place to start is with our friends, relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors – FRAN. These are the people who already know you and trust you. But don’t stop with your FRAN’s. Look to reach out to others. ●Only the message can convert people; we cannot. Unfortunately, because of our sinfulness, we can become an obstacle to the message. That’s why a humble attitude, a willingness to say “I don’t know,” and continued Bible study are important.
●Christian living is an important part of evangelism work. People who see that you quietly, humbly put your faith into action will be much more likely to listen when you tell them about Jesus. Often God will use your lifestyle to awaken the natural knowledge of God and the conscience. ●Be confident! You know who you are, what God has done for you, and where you’re going. The people to whom you’re talking don’t know those things. You have a wonderful message to share with them!
Summary: ●Telling others about Jesus is an integral part of the Christian’s life. ●Our message is two-fold; we bring the law (which shows our sins) and Gospel (which shows our Savior). ●Only God can work faith in a person’s heart. Our role is to simply bring the powerful Word of God to people. God causes that Word to bear fruit.
A quick review of the homework on Acts.