By Jose S. Santiago M.D.
Vocabulary: Fall in Love
Vocabulary: Wear a wig
Vocabulary: Give up drinking Soju
Vocabulary: Cheat on a test
Vocabulary: Converse with a famous person
Vocabulary: Win a contest
Vocabulary: Drive a stick-shift car
Vocabulary: Teach a private lesson
Vocabulary: Ride a horse
Vocabulary: Go on a diet
GRAMMAR VERBS and TENSES VERBS (action words) take different forms depending on the TENSE. When we say an action word we also indicate it’s time of occurrence – present, past, future or whether a past action is continuing into the present. Example: Basic FormPast Simple FormPast Participle Form *GOWENTGONE * Irregular Verbs
…We used Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense Sentence Pattern: Making Statements and Negation I We You They have (‘ve) have not (haven’t) have(‘ve) never played lived visited read He She It has (‘s) has not (hasn’t) has never *lost *been *flown *Irregular Verbs
Present Perfect Tense Sentence Pattern: Making Questions 1 Have I We You They played? lived? visited? read? Has He She It *lost? *been? *flown? *Irregular Verbs
Present Perfect Tense Sentence Pattern: Making Questions 2 Have I We You They Ever played? lived? visited? read? Has He She It *lost? *been? *flown? *Irregular Verbs
Exercise This is Mary, She's 40 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has she done? Mary Have Be Do Write Travel Meet All over the world Many different jobs 10 books A lot of interesting people A lot of interesting things Married 3 times Example : She has had many different jobs.