Panera Bread Fundraiser! NEXT MONDAY! 6pm-9pm Help us ADVERTISE!! Invite your friends to the fb event and spread the word!
Here is the T-Shirt Design! Wear this on campus, during our fundraising events, and during your cook night to show your pride!
How do I Order One?! $10 Per T-Shirt Fill out the sheet being passed around! There will be no other day you can order a T-Shirt! (I am ordering the shirts tonight so we can get them ASAP) If you know someone who couldn’t make this meeting who wants a shirt, text them now to let me know ASAP! Once you have written your information and T-Shirt Size you may NOT Cancel your order!!
Small Side Note For Apparel… Senior Appreciation day on April 27 th ! Everyone come for fun! Seniors will be receiving a Believe In Tomorrow logo badge in honor of their hard work and service in this club We will have free food, so everyone come out for fun and to show appreciation! If you are not a senior, this badge is something to look forward to in the future!
Yoga Day at the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House! Either on a Saturday or Sunday late morning at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House Tell me if you are interested If there is enough interest, I will set this up
Another Small Random Side Note … We are having a WishList Meeting on 3/2 to discuss our annual WishList collection!
Election Time for We are looking for a new: Co-President Treasurer Secretary Public Relations If you would like to nominate someone or a friends, please write the name up on the board…. Then we shall listen to speeches and vote!
Cook Nights Check your planners! Here are the available cook night dates: Sat 2/7 Sun 2/8 Sat 2/14 Sat 2/21 Sat 3/28 Sun 3/29 Sun 4/26
Questions, Comments, Concerns? Panera Bread Fundraiser THIS MONDAY from 6-9pm If you signed up for a cook night this weekend please stay after this meeting for your brief cook night meeting If you are a new member of our exec board, congrats!!! Please stay afterwards too! Thanks!