Chapter 16 – World War II Section 4 – The Allies are Victorious Main Idea- Led by the US, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union, the Allies scored key victories and won the war Why It Matters Now- The Allies’ victory in WWII set up conditions for both the Cold War and today’s post-Cold War world
The Allies Plan for Victory When the US joins the war, the Allies open 2 nd front in the West
Tide Turns on Two Fronts Rommel gets destroyed when Allies enter N. Africa – Gen. “Monty” Montgomery leads British forces – Operation Torch: Gen. Eisenhower started in Morocco surrounding Desert Fox VS. Rommel MontgomeryEisenhower &
Tide Turns Cont… USSR fights and defeats Germany at Stalingrad Allies start to move thru S. Europe and Italy – July 10, 1943: Sicily falls to Allies – April 28, 1945: Mussolini found and hung in Milan town square
Life on Allied Home Fronts Civilians help at home with war effort – TOTAL WAR: factories transformed into weapons making industries – RATIONING and PROPAGANDA are used again Feb 19, FDR sets up internment and loss of property program – 127,000 Japanese-Americans placed in camps (traitors/spies)
Allied Victory in Europe June 6, D-Day (Operation Overlord) begins in Normandy, France Dec 16, Battle of the Bulge in Ardennes Forest – German counterattack, last ditch effort to break through Allies line
Allied Victory Cont… Soviets invade from the East, Allies form the West – Hitler is trapped in middle and commits suicide – Germany surrenders May 7, Gen. Eisenhower accepts unconditional surrender of Third Reich
Victory in the Pacific Japanese start to retreat, Allies close in on Japan but with heavy human cost Avoiding an invasion of Japan and saving Allied lives, the US drops atom bombs on Japan forcing surrender – Manhattan Project: top secret project to create atomic bombs
– Sept 2, 1945: Japanese surrender to Gen. MacArthur on the Missouri Aug 6, 1945: Hiroshima bombed (73,000 die) Aug 9, 1945: Nagasaki bombed (70,000 die)