Section 11
Case is that form of a noun or pronoun which marks its function in a sentence There are three cases: 1. Nominative 2. Objective 3. Possessive
The following are the case forms of the singular personal pronouns Personal Pronouns Singular Nominative CaseObjective CasePossessive Case First PersonImemy (mine) Second Personyou your (yours) Third PersonMasculine: he Feminine: she Neuter: it Masculine: him Feminine: her Neuter: it Masculine: his Feminine: her (hers) Neuter: its
The following are the case forms of the plural personal pronouns Personal Pronouns Plural Nominative CaseObjective CasePossessive Case First Personweusour (ours) Second Personyou your (yours) Third PersonAll genders: theyAll genders: themAll genders: their (theirs)
The following are the case forms of the relative or interrogative pronoun who Relative and Interrogative Pronoun Who Singular and Plural Nominative CaseObjective CasePossessive Case Simplewhowhomwhose Compoundwhoeverwhomeverwhosever
What are the nominative case pronouns? Singular: I, you, he, she, it Plural: we, you, they Simple: who Compound: whoever Nominative case pronouns are used as subjects or as predicate nominatives He and I will be in the library. Pronouns used as subject The winner will be he. Pronoun used as predicate nominative Note: A pronoun that is used as a predicate nominative will follow a form of the verb be
A nominative case pronoun is used as the complement of the infinitive to be whenever the infinitive does not have a grammatical subject of its own Example He was thought to be I. Since to be has no subject of its own, the complement refers to the subject of the verb was thought, which is in the nominative case You can test if you used the correct pronoun by exchanging the pronoun complement He was thought to be me = Me was thought to be he. He was thought to be I = I was thought to be he.
What are the objective case pronouns? Singular: me, you, his, her, it Plural: us, you, them Simple: whom Compound: whomever Objective case pronouns are used direct object, indirect object, and objects of preposition Examples: Dad advised him. Him is a DO following the verb advised Dad gave him advice. Him is an IO between the verb gave and the DO advice A helicopter circled above them. Them is the object of the preposition above
The subject of an infinitive is in the objective case Example They wanted us to go with them. Us is the subject of the infinitive to go The entire phrase (us to go with them) is the DO of wanted An objective case pronoun is used as the complement of the infinitive to be whenever the infinitive has a grammatical subject of its own Example They thought him to be me. Here the complement refers to the subject of the infinitive which is in the objective case
What are the possessive case pronouns? Singular: my, your, his, her, its Plural: our, your, their Simple: whose Compound: whosever Possessive case pronouns show ownership or relationship The forms my, your, her, our, and their are used before nouns and function as adjectives The forms mine, yours, hers, ours and theirs functions as pronouns (that is, they may be subjects, direct objects, predicate nominatives, etc.)
The forms his and its function as adjectives or as pronouns Example His boat was old, but mine was older than his. The first his functions as an adjective Mine and the second his function as pronouns (subjects) And lastly, the possessive case is used to modify gerunds Example My meeting you here is quite a coincidence. We appreciate your visiting us today.
In order to know which pronoun is correct, you must first determine how the pronoun functions in the sentence…then select the pronoun from the correct case Most problems occur when the pronoun appears in a compound construction In such cases, try each pronoun alone in the sentence If the pronoun is followed by an appositive, try the pronoun apart from the appositive If the pronoun itself is used as an appositive, the pronoun appositive must be in the same case as the word to which it refers
Using who, whoever, whom, whomever can be troublesome If the pronoun is used as a subject or a predicate nominative, use who or whoever If the pronoun is used as a direct object or an object or preposition, use whom or whomever For incomplete clauses beginning with than or as, use the pronouns that you would use if the clause were completed