Let me introduce you to…
Introduction Bombus Ruderatus (Large Garden Bumble Bee)
Why bees? 1.Value - To agriculture - To Economy - To Nature - To us 2. Sign of health of countryside and towns 3. Good way to engage people about nature 4. Good way to tackle those who want to dismantle protection of nature (eg Osborne)
What’s the problem? -UK bee numbers are declining -2 bumblebee species lost, 23 more on the UK ‘red data’ list of threatened species -Bombus Ruderatus has lost 80% of its range and now only found in east mids, cambs, fens -The number of managed honeybee hives in the UK fell by 53% between 1985 and Wild honeybees now rare in the British Isles
Why are bees declining? 1.Loss of food -Decline of wildflowers due to intensive farming. -Current agri-environment schemes not enough 2. Loss of nesting sites -Problem for wild bees 3. Pesticides -Direct impacts of insecticides -Indirect from herbicides removing wild flowers. 4. Loss of important sites -For more specialist bees 5. Disease -Varroa mite and others
What about pesticides? Evidence building that they are a part of the problem FoE is strong supporter of European ban proposed by EC (Enviro Audit Committee also due to report too) Government’s new national action plan is lacking in both plan and action.
A National Bee Action Plan: Farming, planning, & expertise Bee-friendly farming: creating wildflower spaces, protecting grasslands, maintaining hedgerows, wider use of crop rotation, suspension in use of neonicotinoid pesticides. Bee-friendly planning: green spaces with right kinds of flowers & habitats, parks with wildflowers, bee-friendly landscaping, protecting brownfield sites, network of connected nature sites
The campaign so far in 2013
Bee Cause MP event 15 January 125 MPs came – 53 Tories, inc Nick Boles, Michael Fabricant (best wig) and the tallest MP ever! 85 signed our statement on the day, now up to 163
Two big bees and 3 local group members Over 62,000 signatures + Garden Organic’s Tourists wanted to be photographed with the Bees Local coverage + photo used with pesticide story same day Handing in the petition 29 Jan
Environment Audit Committee chaired by Joan Walley MP gave gov’t and pesticide companies a hard time European Food Safety Agency called for neonicotinoids to be banned from crops where bees would be harmed EU Commission said it will table proposal to do this – result yesterday will lead to second vote B&Q, Wickes, Homebase, Garden Centre Group, Blue Square, Nottcuts etc agreed to withdraw products Loads of coverage Pesticides are go… going….?
Allies Women’s Institute, Co-op, the Wildlife Trusts, Garden Organic, plus various faith bodies, scientists, NGOs We’ve talked to National Farmers Union, BBKA, numerous politicians Talking to supermarkets, fruit growers, individual farmers Developing evidence base on farming without neonicotinoids
60 Bee Worlds Do something practical at community level We provide the seeds, you provide the site and labour about 42 confirmed from Aberdeen to Somerset, from Bromley to Snowdonia – Schools, parks, unis, hospital, housing assn… Lots more in pipeline (maybe a castle?)
Local groups New card and action guide and props from early March Bee walks and bee worlds Lobbying MPs especially in key constituencies Might need staff & vols help to lobby MPs without local group Day of action 18 May
Cards MP wildflower meadow prop Bee walks Bee worlds Photo prop Local Group tactics