6/22/20161 Asking Questions: Celery vs Pierogi Ms. Bokpe
6/22/20162 Difference in Questions: Simple vs complex Simple vs complex Celery vs pierogi Celery vs pierogi
6/22/20163 Close-Ended Question (better known as “Yes/No” Questions) A close-ended question is a form of question which can normally be answered using a simple “yes” or “no”, a specific simple piece of information, or a selection from multiple choices. A close-ended question is a form of question which can normally be answered using a simple “yes” or “no”, a specific simple piece of information, or a selection from multiple choices.
6/22/20164 Examples Question: What is your weight? Question: What is your weight? Answer 167 lbs. Answer 167 lbs. Question: Do you know your weight? Question: Do you know your weight? Answer: Yes. Answer: Yes.
6/22/20165 Close-ended questions: purpose Close-ended questions can be used for clarifying facts, verifying information already given or controlling a conversation, among other things. Close-ended questions can be used for clarifying facts, verifying information already given or controlling a conversation, among other things.
6/22/20166 Open-Ended Questions Cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” Cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” Or with a specific piece of information, Or with a specific piece of information, Which gives the person answering the question scope to give the information that seems to them to be appropriate Which gives the person answering the question scope to give the information that seems to them to be appropriate Open-ended questions are sometimes phrased as a statement which requires a response. Open-ended questions are sometimes phrased as a statement which requires a response.
6/22/20167 Open-ended questions Are phrased so that the respondents are encouraged to explain their answers and reactions to the question with a sentence, a paragraph, or even a page or more. Are phrased so that the respondents are encouraged to explain their answers and reactions to the question with a sentence, a paragraph, or even a page or more.
6/22/20168 Examples: Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor. Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor. How do you see your future? How do you see your future? What is the purpose of government? What is the purpose of government? Why did you choose that answer? Why did you choose that answer?
6/22/20169 Comparison Do you get on well with your boss? Do you get on well with your boss? Tell me about your relationship with your boss. Tell me about your relationship with your boss. Who will you vote for this election? Who will you vote for this election? What do you think about the two candidates in this election? What do you think about the two candidates in this election?
6/22/ The most used open-ended question How does this make you feel? How does this make you feel? It is used so frequently because it is so effective. It is used so frequently because it is so effective.
6/22/ Open-ended questions The ability to ask open-ended questions is very important in many vocations, including The ability to ask open-ended questions is very important in many vocations, including Education Education Counselling Counselling Mediation Mediation Sales Sales Investigative work Investigative work Journalism Journalism
6/22/ How does this make you feel? In journalism, stories are all about people and how they are affected by events. In journalism, stories are all about people and how they are affected by events. Audiences want to experience the emotion. Even though modern audiences tend to cringe at this question, it’s so useful that it continues to be a standard tool. Audiences want to experience the emotion. Even though modern audiences tend to cringe at this question, it’s so useful that it continues to be a standard tool. In psychology, feelings and emotions are central to human behaviour. Therapists are naturally keen to ask questions about feelings In psychology, feelings and emotions are central to human behaviour. Therapists are naturally keen to ask questions about feelings
6/22/ Close-ended questions Change these close-ended questions to open-ended question Change these close-ended questions to open-ended question 1) What kind of face cream are you using? 1) What kind of face cream are you using? 2) Do you like your job? 2) Do you like your job? 3) What type of sport do you play if any? 3) What type of sport do you play if any? 4) Do you take nutritional supplements? 4) Do you take nutritional supplements? 5) How’s your health? 5) How’s your health?
6/22/ Open-ended Questions 1) What kind of face cream are you using? 1) What kind of face cream are you using? What is it that you like about the face cream you’re using? What is it that you like about the face cream you’re using? 2) Do you like your job? 2) Do you like your job? What is it about your work you do/don’t like? What is it about your work you do/don’t like? 3) What type of sport do you play if any? 3) What type of sport do you play if any? What is it about the sport you like? Or, Can I ask why you don’t like playing sports? What is it about the sport you like? Or, Can I ask why you don’t like playing sports?
6/22/ ) Do you take nutritional supplements? 4) Do you take nutritional supplements? What nutritional supplements do you take? Have you even thought about taking them? What nutritional supplements do you take? Have you even thought about taking them? 5) How’s your health? 5) How’s your health? How do you stay healthy? Or, When you say not so good, can I ask what you mean? How do you stay healthy? Or, When you say not so good, can I ask what you mean?