Know Difference Between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers.


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Presentation transcript:

Know Difference Between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Introduction What is Microprocessor? A microprocessor is an electronic computer component crafted from miniature sized transistors & some other circuitry elements on a solitary semi-conductor IC (integrated circuit) or micro chip. The abbreviated of microprocessor is µP or uP. The CPU (central processing unit) is the most renowned micro-processor, but numerous other constituents in a computer contain them, like- the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) on a video card. Microprocessor is a single IC package in which several functions are integrated.

Types of Microprocessors  There are mainly five sorts of microprocessors; these minute units provide computers with a “brain”.  In a micro-processor, there will be a number of minute transistors and tremendously tiny parts.  All of these components are employed to assist a computer work as planned.

5 Types of Microcontroller  Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors  Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessors  Superscalar processors  The Application Specific Integrated Circuit  Digital Signal Multiprocessors (DSPs)

Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors  This type of microprocessor is also known as CISM.  CISM classify a micro-processor in which each & every order can be executed together with several other low-level functions.  These Functions are intended to carry out actions such as.  Uploading data into memory card, re-calling or downloading data from memory card or a complex mathematics computation in a single command.

Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessors  Known as RISC, this was intended to pace up computer microprocessors.  These chips are built up under the guideline.  The microprocessor to do a smaller amount of things within each command.  This will permit it to complete more commands more rapidly.

Superscalar processors  This type of processor replica the hardware on the micro-processor.  It can perform numerous instructions at the same time.  These replica resources can be committed arithmetic logic units or multipliers.  Superscalars comprise of several operational units.  Superscalar micro-processors carry out more than one command throughout a single clock cycle  It concurrently transmitting numerous instructions to superfluous operational units in the processor.

The Application Specific Integrated Circuit  Known as ASIC microprocessor is intended for extremely precise purposes.  It comprise- automotive emissions control or Personal Digital Assistants computers.  ASICs at times is produced to specification.

Digital Signal Multiprocessors (DSPs)  DSPs are unique micro-processors employed to decode & encode video.  It convert digital or video to analog and vice-versa.  These operations need a micro-processor to carrying out mathematical calculations.  DSP chips are generally employed in SONAR, mobile telephones, RADAR.  DSP chips are used in home theatre audio gears and cable set-top boxes.

 Microcontroller is a computer on‐a‐chip optimized to manage electric gadgets. It is intended particularly for precise tasks like controlling a particular system.  A microcontroller sometimes uses abbreviated uC, µC, or MCU, is fundamentally a specialized variety of microprocessor that is intended to be self-satisfactory and lucrative. Some external electronic peripherals are interfaced to microcontroller for a better performance depends on applications. What is Microcontroller?

 Microcontrollers are the 8051, Intel’s 80196, Microchip’s PIC and Motorola’s 68HCxx series.  Microcontrollers which are normally incorporated in toys, automobiles and appliances.  Microprocessor system on a solo microchip: Illustrations of Microcontrollers Memory (both ROM and RAM) The CPU core (microprocessor) Some parallel digital I/O

Function of Microcontroller  The microcontroller witnesses the incorporation of a number of helpful functions into a solitary IC pack. These functions are:- The capability to carry out an accumulated set of commands to perform user described jobs. The capability to be proficient to use peripheral memory chips to both read & write data from and to the memory.

Types Of Microcontrollers  The micro-controllers are sorted in terms of in-house bus width, in-built micro-controller, order set, memory structural design, IC chip or VLSI core or Verilog file & family unit.  For the similar family, there may be a range of editions with different sources. Here we are giving few types of microcontroller used in different applications.

5 Types of Microcontrollers  8-bit microcontroller.  6-bit microcontroller.  32-bit microcontroller.  Embedded microcontroller.  External memory micro-controller.

8-bit Microcontroller  When in-house bus in a MCU is 8-bit bus.  Then the ALU carries out the logic & arithmetic operations on a byte at an order.  The MCU is 8-bit micro-controller.  The illustrations of 8-bit MCU are- Intel 8031/8051, Motorola MC68HC11 & PIC1x families.

16-bit Microcontroller  The 16 bit Microcontroller consists of a 16 bit bus.  The ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations on the 16 bit operand.  It provides greater precision and performance as compared to 8 bit MCU.

32-bit Microcontroller  When in-house bus for the data transmitting function in an MCU is 32-bit bus.  Then the ALU carries out logic & arithmetic functions on operand words of 32 bits at the orders.  The MCU is 32-bit micro-controller.  These supply better accuracy and performance in comparison to the 16- bit MCUs.

Embedded Microcontroller  When a fixed or embedded system includes an MCU.  Each hardware and software parts in a solo unit.  The MCU is known as embedded micro-controller.  Extremely few or no extra peripheral unit or system exists for processing during the control or making use of the peripheral devices.  A telephone receiver circuit employs an in-built or embedded micro- controller.

External Memory Microcontroller  When an in-built or embedded system adds an MCU.  Each of the hardware and software parts present not as a solo component.  It has all or a piece of the memory component externally interfaced by bringing into play an interfacing circuit.  Which is known as the glue circuit.  The MCU is known as a peripheral or external memory micro-controller.  Example: A 8031 comprise of a program memory which is interfaced outwardly to it. The 8051 has both in-house as well as peripheral program memory.

Difference Between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers  The dissimilarity amid the two is that a microcontroller integrates the features of a microprocessor (ALU, CPU, Registers) together with the existence of extra characteristics such as existence of ROM, RAM, counter, Input/output ports, etc. Here a microcontroller controls the function of a device by employing fixed programs accumulated in ROM that does no amend with duration.

Difference Between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers  The major dissimilarity amid a usual microprocessors and microcontrollers parting.  There architectural terms is the area of their application.  Usual microprocessors such as the Pentium family or Intel Core family processors or alike processors are in computers as a universally functioning programmable machine.  In its life span it has to manage numerous different assignments and programs specified to it.

Difference Between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers  A microcontroller of PIC family or 8051 family or any other have noticed their applications in tiny embedded systems.  Such as- control system of traffic signals or some sort of robotic system.  These gadgets manage similar task or similar program all through their entire life cycle.  Another difference is that the microcontroller generally has to handle instantaneous tasks  On the contrary the micro-processors in a computer system perhaps will not handle an instantaneous task at all times.