Media Relations Insa Ben Said Dia
CONTENTS How to write a press release 1 Why being concerned about Media Relations as Unionists? Invitations to the media 2 3
We are an important segment of the society, but very often invisible Reasons 1
We can't leave to others the responsibility to explain ourselves. Who are we? Reasons 2
Elected leaders make decisions that impact on our members and our lives. We must be part of the public debate Reasons 3
The more we are to tell our stories the stronger we will be as a union Reasons 4
brainstorming outline Create a brainstorming outline 1 Face the panic(!!!) moment skeleton Write a skeleton 2 3 Produce a first draft 4 Find aneditor Find an editor 5
The secret is to write something, anything! Once you’ve written something –anything- your writer muscles will be warmed up and you can start thinking more clearly. Face the panic(!!!) moment 1
You cannot write without planning. You have to see what you're going to write before you start. Your outline will be a listing of the major ideas you want to write about. You'll produce it by jotting down ideas related to the subject as they come into your head. Write short sentences or headlines. Don’t censor yourself. Don’t worry about order. Create a brainstorming outline 2
Write a first, rough version of the writing you will produce. Only you will read it so don't worry about details. Just write - as quickly as you can. Once you have created it you'll be a different person from the one who started the process. Now if you write the document, you will sound sure of yourself and your writing will flow freely. Write a skeleton 3
Sometimes you can just edit (reorder and/or rewrite) the skeleton. Other times you'll feel more comfortable writing a new version. Depends on the time you have. But here’s a secret: this draft is really your final version. This is the one you'll show to people. But never call any of your writings “final version”. Call your document “draft”: people will be more likely to help you improve it. Produce a first draft 4
The editor will check your work for errors and suggest improvements. Everybody needs an editor. When you re-read your work, your mind will fill in words that are missing or skip over misspellings. You need another mind to look at what you’ve produced. Do not rely on a computer spell checker! Find an editor 5
1) Simple, short sentences easy to understand 1) Use: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? 1) Organize: most important thing comes first and less important follows (inverted pyramid) 1) With complicated issues use Questions/Answers 1) Chronological…useful to explain the history of something (round of bargaining) 1) Avoid abbreviation and be sure of your facts Rules for Press Releases 1
1) Give details of contact person for further information (phone numbers home, work, cell) 1) Keep it short (max 2 pag) 1) Type it, put space between paragraphs 1) Use letterhead and date it. To make it official 1) Precise that it is for immediate release 1) Give a sort of mini deadline to grab their attention 1) Use quotes ( from the local president…) Rules for Press Releases 2
Dealing with a news story that you know media in your community will want to cover. You have two options: a) Sending out usual press release and then deal with the phone calls b) bringing all media in one place. This is a news conference or press conference… How to invite the media 1
1) No more than 3 people as key speakers 1) A union flag or poster behind the speaker can look nice 1) Seats for press and radio reporters, place for TV cameras 1) Decent light for the TV cameras, sound system with media jacks so radio and TV can tap into for good quality tape The press conference 2
1) Main spokesperson should not exceed 10 mins. 1) Total time for all speakers should also be less than 10 mins. 1) TV hates white shirts and jangly jewellry. For maximum attendance choose a convenient time: 10 AM or 2 PM. For maximum attendance choose a convenient time: 10 AM or 2 PM. The press conference 3
1) Be very clear on time, date and place. Send notice 24 to 48 hours in advance Include: list of speakers, subject and just enough information (too much and they'll have the story without showing up) Include: list of speakers, subject and just enough information (too much and they'll have the story without showing up) Tell the truth. Lies are easily revealed when talking to reporters Tell the truth. Lies are easily revealed when talking to reporters The press conference 4
Copyright © 2009 The International Training Centre of the I.L.O. Author: Insa Ben Said Dia All rights All rights reserved. For more informations please get in touch with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization.