EFL TEACHER TRAINING IN CROATIA: POLICIES AND PRACTICES Students: Dorotea Scopich and Izabela Weber Partner Institution: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Rijeka
Table of contents Aims Introduction Description of the Current Status Discussion Conclusion References EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Aims To present and discuss the current status of teacher training in Croatia To be able to compare it to the situation in other countries To identify positive aspects of teacher training in Croatia and to determine areas that need improvement To provide possible solutions for improvement EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Introduction Teacher training is vitally important for any educational system ”Teachers are the torch bearers in creating social cohesion, national integration and a learning society. They not only disseminate knowledge but also create and generate new knowledge. They are responsible for acculturating role of education. Teacher training [...] is intimately connected with society and is conditioned by the ethos, culture and character of a nation” (Harish Bansal) The importance of Education and Teacher Training Agency EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT STATUS EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
The implementation of the Bologna process After the implementation of the Bologna process in 2005, teacher training in Croatia became more complex Teachers, both at teacher faculties and other faculties are required to gain Master's degrees EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Teacher education curricula They are created by higher education institutions Programmes for teacher education in Croatia are not harmonised It is difficult to achieve equal quality for novice teachers throughout the country The number of hours devoted to classroom practice varies between institutions. it usually accounts for 7% to 12% of the overall study programme EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Induction programme (1/4) After receiving their Master's degrees, new teachers start their one-year induction programme as novice teachers The school that has employed her or him is responsible for nominating the commission for the induction programme EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Induction programme (2/4) EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices Commision School principal New teacher’s mentor Expert adviser
Induction programme (3/4) School’s obligations EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices to inform the Education and Teacher Training Agency about the beginning of the induction programme to develop the induction programme to assign and provide continuous expert, pedagogical, didactic and other help for a novice teacher to monitor and evaluate the advancement of the new teacher in the induction programme.
Induction programme (4/4) A novice teacher is obliged to attend mentors’ classes (at least 30 hours) Mentors are obliged to attend new teacher's classes (at least 10 hours) The school principal and the expert advisor are required to introduce a novice teacher to other duties within teaching profession such as: legislative acts pedagogic documentation cooperation with parents and other colleagues etc. EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Professional (state) examination (1/4) It is organised by Education and Teacher Training Agency Novice teachers with double-major degree chose one subject for his or her traineeship and licensing exam. Primary school teachers realize their traineeship programme in all school subjects, but they can decide on two subjects for licensing exam EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Professional (state) examination (2/4) The exam EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices Written work Written lesson plan Lesson performance Oral exam
Professional (state) examination (3/4) The Examination Committee EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices Senior counsellor Methodology examiner Teacher colleague School head Croatian language teacher.
Professional (state) examination (4/4) A novice teacher who did not pass the written work or class performance cannot take the oral part of the exam Anovice teacher who flunked the oral part of the licensing exam is still allowed to retake that part of the exam After successfully passing their professional examination, teachers receive the Teacher Certification It has to be renewed every five years EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Continuing professional development Teachers can advance their career in three levels and thus acquire the corresponding titles of a regular level teacher teacher mentor teacher advisor All teachers have the right and obligation to participate in continuing professional development (CPD) EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
CPD programmes CPD programmes are organised by the competent institutions, such as higher education institutions, institutes, associations, agencies, and schools They include both individual and organised training and development These programmes are implemented by 104 advisors from Education and Teacher Training Agency (and Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education for vocational teachers) who are responsible for organising CPD for 800-1,200 teachers across the country EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
DISCUSSION EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Discussion (1/3) Significant differences between programmes provided by HE institutions Criteria for professional examination not clearly set Induction plans and programmes vary significantly controlled by mentors from another schools difficulties when organising meetings and keeping track of each other’s work Professional development programmes not compatible with actual teacher needs, but with the centralised education policy decisions EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Discussion (2/3) Lacking support of school principals 1/3 of teachers participate in continuing professional development programmes no consequences if teachers do not attend them lack of appropriate funding of development programmes PISA results continuously show under average marks of Croatian students main cause in low-level of education inadequately focused on learning outcomes and competences EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Discussion (3/3) Do our findings differ from the situation in your country? EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
Conclusion Pre-service training of crucial importance opportunities for prospective teachers to explore and identify their core and professional qualities must be insured in order to enable them to develop professional identity Croatian pre-service training programmes still to be improved! EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
References AZOO: Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, Education and Teacher Training Agency, available at Bansal, H Teacher Training Concepts. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. EURYDICE: Network on education systems and policies in Europe, available at Hodgman, M. R. (2012). Boundaries and applications: The teacher quality debate in America. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 9 (3), Langston, K. and Peti-Stanić, A Language Planning and National Identity in Croatia. New: York: Palgrave Macmillan. Maandag, D.W., Deinum J.F., Hofman, W. H. A., and Buitink, J Teacher education in schools: an international comparison, European Journal of Teacher Education, 30 (2), Popović, M Teacher Education and Training in the Western Balkans. Report on: Croatia. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Print, M. and Lange D Schools, Curriculum and Civic Education for Building Democratic Citizens. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. EFL Teacher Training in Croatia: Policies and Practices
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