your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 1 HCAL cchcal
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 2 HCAL cchcal
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 3 Muons ccmuon
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 4 Muons ccmuon
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 5 DQM ccdqm
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 6 Offline ccoffl
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 7 Offline ccoffl
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 8 Video-link Permanent multi-point connection to: CMS CERN (this room) CMS Surface Control Room Remote Operations Centre CMS DESY In case of problems, contact the CERN helpdesk or
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 9 Computing cccomp
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 10 Computing cccomp
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 11 Trigger cctrig
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 12 Tracker cctrack
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 13 Tracker cctrack
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 14 ECAL ccecal
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 15 ECAL ccecal
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 17 Visitor afs-userid (CMS zh group)
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 18 Visitor afs-userid (CMS zh group)
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 19 Visitor afs-userid (CMS zh group)
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 20 DQM ccdqm
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 21 Tracker cctrack
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 22 Visitor afs-userid (CMS zh group)
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 23 Muons ccmuon
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 24 Master Console ccmaster
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
CMS Centre CMS System Manager:
your-own-afs-password CMS Centre CMS System Login: Password: N.B. you must be a member of this afs group For CMS Centre help and Web tools go to (login management, CMS-TV, monitoring screens, etc.) Console 32 Visitor afs-userid (CMS zh group)
CMS Centre CMS System Manager: CMS Visitors Room
Official Video Links for 10 th Sept “LHC 1 st Beam Event” Please do not touch anything ! They are in continuous use / under test until 11 Sept (under CERN/IT remote management) CMS contacts CERN / IT Video support Official Video Links for 10 th Sept “LHC 1 st Beam Event” Please do not touch anything ! They are in continuous use / under test until 11 Sept (under CERN/IT remote management) CMS contacts CERN / IT Video support