Interesting emerging / horizon technology See these too:
3D printing RepRap: Free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap can print those parts, RepRap can be considered a self-replicating machine It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend... Collaborative tools - collaborate in – writing
Augmented Reality (AR) Immersive, and can support varied learning styles Authentic Learning - can enhance vocational studies, can aid in instruction and learning for those disciplines where a specific spatial configuration of elements must be learned. Realistic models - AR provides a means of “seeing” phenomena in 3D, thereby bringing the contextual three dimensional nature of the real world to the their learning. Engagement/Interactivity - Illustrations in books can come to life with AR technology and can captivate readers of all ages. QR codes / stickers being used in AR games, to augment learning materials, etc. Wikitude Create-A-Scape
Haptics Gives you some feedback in terms of what you might be seeing and manipulating on the screen 3D force feedback. Using a pen you can sort of reach out and feel a physical object in space even though that object doesn’t exist in a physical space. Haptic cow supports people in their veterinary training. And that means that you can give students access to an environment they wouldn’t normally have access to.
Twitter A few examples in education: CSI twitter (A skeleton of an unidentified animal was found on campus. Used Twitter to disseminate images of the skeleton and solicit experts to help identify the skeleton. Within a few hours the request spread, suggestions poured in: true collaboration.) Summing up articles/chapters in 140 characters ‘Twitter stalking’ – follow famous person linked with a current event (e.g. Obama ) ‘Time Tweet’ - Choose a famous person from the past, create a twitter account for them – choose image, over a period of time write regular tweets in the role of that character, in a style using appropriate vocab ‘Micro Write’ Progressive collaborative writing on Twitter. Students agree to take it in turns to contribute to an account or ‘story’ over a period of time.
iPad 205 ‘education’ titles in apps tore (for iPad only) eBooks/iBooks – interactive, multi-touch text books, story books, etc. Apple has partnerships with text book publishers (Macmillan) Cheap (£300) Android TVs People of Lava Scandinavia TV, Internet, Multimedia, Internet and Social Media – all interconnected, in living room, class room, etc Many Android apps available
Multi-touch interfaces Allows for multi-user use(!) – several students collaborating/contributing at the same time Multi-touch desks ‘SynergyNet’ aim to improve collaboration: Windows 7 supports multi-touch Promethean whiteboards allow multi-touch Mobile surface Can transform any surface (e.g., a coffee table or a piece of paper) to a Mobile Surface with a mobile device and a camera-projector system.
Nintendo 3DS Out March D effects with no special glasses Game authoring Kodu (Xbox and PC), Newtoon Many of the shelf games have level editors, e.g. Fallout 3, Neverwinter Nights, Unreal, etc
Graham Hopkins