Unit 13-2 vocabulary 1. gone Definition – not here sentence 2. adult Definition – a grown-up sentence
Unit 13-2 vocabulary 3. suspect Definition – 1. think to be true 2. person who might have done a crime sentence 4. assist Definition – to help sentence
Unit 13-2 vocabulary 5. status Definition – your place or level sentence 6. along Definition – follow next to sentence
Unit 13-2 vocabulary 7. vanish Definition – disappear sentence 8. channel Definition – 1. a waterway for boats; 2. station on the TV or radio sentence
Unit 13-2 vocabulary 9. object Definition – 1. something you can touch; 2. to disagree sentence 10. atlas Definition –book of maps sentence
Unit 13-2 vocabulary 11. rascal Definition –someone who does something silly or bad sentence 12. suspend Definition –1. stop; 2. dangle from above sentence
Unit 13-2 vocabulary 13. bottom Definition –below or under sentence 14. expand Definition –to get larger sentence